caring part 2

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brad's pov (omg did you see that coming think not)

I feel so bad about all of this I know holly get's it but how could brancie do this to me I was his twin and now ms west would never trust me. I see holly walking back with her dad and I hear I loud yell coming from a dorm close to holly's I run to the dorm so dose holly and her dad as I run to the sound I walk up to the door I hear it form and I knok on the door and it open's up I see betty yelling at clint her friend but why I know betty for year's well to be frank, we meet on my sister wedding she was 27 when she got married now she is 30 anyway she was the best lady and I was the best man that day was crazy some wired ass carp went on but not the story I'm telling anyway clint was like her best friend or something like that. then she slap's him I step in and push both of them back

"what the hell are you yelling about" I hear someone say I turn around and see holly and she walk's to me looking at clint and betty they were her friend's to they have been fighting a lot lately but why? maybe holly know. 

"he is a asshole who has no respect for his friend!!!!" betty yelled holly pulled betty to a room and talked to her I talked to clint .

"why is she so mad at you bro?" I asked him he looked down and huffed at me.

" i sleept with attie" he mumbled. I looked at him and he looked at me with a angered face I could not even talk.

"what" he said mad at I am guessing ma and many other people for being mean to him about this but I am guessing too that not many people know...... yet

"why?" I ask him. he look's down and sigh's to me and look's up at me.

"i dint know how dose 'it' happen huh?" he ask's me I sigh.

"don't be this way" I say he sighs and start's to laugh.

"look everyone never going to look at me the same again in the first place so I am going to have to live with this to so don't act like I don't have to live with this" he yelled and opened the window and jumped out and he is gone great now what do I tell holly oh he just jumped out the window but we are on the first floor so yeah he is fine but this well end bad I hear a window open and see holly come out and sit on the sofa and pick up a unopened beer for the coffee table and opened it and drank it (not all of it) I say by her

"umm she jumped out of the window" holly said I laughed at what she said.

"yep he did too" I said and I got one to and drank it or some of it she drank more of her's and it was all gone dam she alway's drank's fast and never get drunk.

"well I'm going to my dorm and talk to dad and dick so you stay here wait for them, okay?" holly asks me. I sigh a little and drink some more of my beer and sit back she smile's at me and kiss me.

"thanks hon, love you" she said and walked to the door and looked back at me.

"love you too, angel" I said and she walked out and shut the door. I lay down and drink the rest of my beer and fall asleep on the sofa thinking about my angel, holly my life.

holly's pov (by the rest of the young justice shitless (only the men))

I walk to dad's car and see him and see hi and dick talking. I walk up to dad and sigh he pull's me in to a hug I hug back.

"so, now that everything is done with that want to come in and talk?" I ask dad and dick my kind-of-step-dad-but-not-really we all walk in my dorm and sit down and start to talk about collage and back home

"so dad, how is the twin's, never get to see them muck any more to much homework and studying for test's" I said and laugh at the end thinking about all test's and studying I have done and that is a lot.

"they are good so how have you been doing in test's lately good, bad or don't know" dad said I laugh a bit an smile at dad.

"well just so you know I got a 100% on math and art and that is my full over all grade is, and my over all grade for all of my study's is 89% and I have a IQ test coming up to been working on that a lot in my spare time" I said and it made dad smile dick was not talking very much... or really at all

"that is great my smart and amazing little girl is doing good" dad said I couldn't help but smile at dad he was happy for me.

"so, anything fun coming up" dad asked I think

"oh, yeah how could I forget, there is a dance me and brad are going to it!" I said happier then before

"really?, cool I hope you have fun. in the first place where is brad?" dad asks me I look down and back up to dad.

"well he is waiting for some friend's to come back they ran off, so he is waiting for them they got in to a big fight about...... money or something like that so they needed to cool off a bit so they didn't try to kiss someone" I said but I was lieing they were fighting about attie she is.... one poor soul who need's some help but cant find it yet.

"oh I see, so anything with your job?" dad asked I nod

"yeah I got a raise in pay to $12,95 form $11,35" I said and hoped he would not ask how I got my raise

"so what did you do to get it?" dad asked my luck suck's some really bad ball's

"oh it was, well my two year thingie so that's why" I said and lied again it I really got it  for being nice ti the boss and there people but I didn't want to tell dad that for some reason

"oh, very cool"  dad said soon we all went out and got food when we came back there was a note on my door (it wasn't  still on the floor cuz it get knoked down) it was on right I had asked a friend to watch so no one would come in and take my stuff I riped the note off the door and it read - hope you don't mind I fited your door. see you soon, my angel- sighed ? was it brad no it was not his. it was no..................

part 3 coming too a Walmart by you jkjkjkjk I wish I really do but no :( any way hoped you lik- no loved this and cookies for all *hand's cookis to everyone and hug's them* love you guy's bye bye        

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