to good for me.

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a/n so sad

wally's pov

as cleo ran off I started to walk back to my and dick's place. I looked over at a roof top and heard a scream of pain. I run over to the roof top and climed the building. when getting on the roof seeing......... dick with a knife in his gut deep to. I ran over to him and put his head in my lap and holding his face. dick smiled at me. i looked down away form dick. he pulled my face to look to his face.

"i want to some thing as perfect as I drift off.." dick said I started to cry.

"NO, don't talk like that your going to be fine I am not letting you go, your all I have" I said letting tear's fall form my eye's, running down my check's fast as I ran.

"hey, don't drag this out... I never had you, you were always your own" dick said. I pull out my phone and call ell. she was my hope. she picked up.

"e-ell I n-n-need you to  come to west and pine street NOW it's dick" I said and hang up. looking down at my boyfriend he was more of a life partner.

"d-don't leave m-me, your a-all I have" I said as I sobbed over dick. feeling my heart drop.

"never, I w-will never leave you I will always b-be right here" dick said pushing over  heart my making him cry even more. dick toke in a deep breath and let it out and stopped breathing all together.

"d-dick no, no no no no your all I have..." I cred in to my love's shoulder...........

2 month's later

it's been two month's now, but it feel's like year's. dick was in a coma. a vey deep one the doctor's said that they cloud only keep him for a month more and then they were going to cut him off. so many people came, even people that did not know him will. a lot of press. I have been by his side ever day, ever time he breath's I count it. ell had saved him but she cloud only do so much. I am setting by dick now holding his hand. I looked up to see his face. his face was way more white form not being in the sun. his eye's a sad dark blue even though he never opened them.

 "west?" asked a voice. I turned around to see a doctor, it was doctor Carmen. she never told anyone her last name it was like she did not even have one.

"well I have good news!" Carmen said trying to get me in a better mood. she lloked at dick then to me again.

"what is it?" I asked wanting her to leave us alone, like I was most of the time.

"well, the doctor's have been talking and.... we can let dick stay for two more month's. I know that is not what you want to hear but, it is a good start" Carmen said. I sigh and look down.

"thank you" I breathed out. Carmen smiled and left. I start to hum a song to dick.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky's are gray.." I sang to my partner. the only thing that I lived for and holly. holly was 6 month's along, the baby grow as fast as she did, she had not told brad yet. amy and jayson found out Jamie was really amy's. and anna was with cleo, jay and amy and Jamie. I was the only unhappy one. I held dick's hand close to me. I felt a hand on my face. I open my eye's and see dick his eye were open, his clod hand on my face holding it to look at me.

"d-dick" I asked he smiled and a tear fell form his eye.

"you make me happy when sky's are gray" sang dick weakly. his hand fell and he passed out. he was, was awake, alive.

"nurse!!" I yelled. then a nurse ran in. she had brown hair in a bun mess with big glasses like mine.

"what?!" she asked panicking. running over to dick and wally.

"he, he sang to me!" I said. she smiled. I had never seen her here before. her name tag read 'gen' it was a cute name.

"so... he was awake?" she asked. I nodded. she smiled bigger and ran out bring in Carmen.

"he was awake!" I said to Carmen as she run over and put her head to his cheat.

"his heart is beating faster" Carmen said happily. she was smiling. I was happy to.

"but that mean's nothing" gen said. why would she say that and in front of me too.

"shut up nurse!" I yelled (sorry I had too). Carmen passed gen a peace of paper. and gen left.

"what was that?" I asked wanting to know. standing up looking Carmen in the eye's.

"there is hope for dick but we have to talk to some other doctor before I make a report on this, this cloud very well be god's way of saying that you boyfriend has hope" Carmen said happily. I sat back down and Carmen left. I grabbed dick's hand again. I looked at his face see's his eye's open once more.

"can you tell that nurse that there is no use in a report, I am up and to stay" dick said I gasped and hugged my boyfriend. he hugged back weakly. the nurse gen came back in and looked at us and smiled.

"your awake! not dead I mean your okay!" gen said so happy. I let go of dick and looked at gen her loudness brought in Carmen. Carmen gasped and ran over to me and dick.

"who is this?" dick asked. I smile as a tear leave's my eye. and I look to Carmen.

"this is Carmen one of the doctor's, she saved you partly and ell" I said Carmen was so happy like gen. gen ran out of the room.

"so can I leave?" dick asked. Carmen sighed.

"not yet but I will let you out soon I promise you well be let out soon" Carmen said and walked out. I grabbed dick and held him in my arm's again. dick hugged back.

"dick?" I asked let go of dick he nodded and I pulled out a ring.

"dick you almost left me and with being my husband, so before you can try to die again can you do me the favor of being my husband and living my life with you?" I asked dick, dick teared up and nodded many time's be foe hugging me tightly smiling and crying.

"yes, yes, yes" dick said. he said yes! oh my god I am going to be married. I slepted the ring on and held dick's hand's.

"really?!? I am thank god" I said holding to my love.

"i love you so mush wally" dick said. pulling me closer to him.

"i love you to my sunshine" I said cuddle with my love.......................

a/n I cred so so so much making this I love you guy's!! and bye hope you did not cry 

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