Chapter 24

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I wake up the next day with a plastered smile on my face. Oh yeah, it's my birthday 😊.  Plus Sally was born yesterday.

I wake up Jordan and go downstairs to see a table full of gifts for both Sally and I. You can tell because of the different wrapping paper, my Wrapping paper is mostly blueish black with realistic stars, Sally's is light pink with cute sleeping bears on it.

Ciearra, Bethany, and Isaac are all downstairs playing with Sally until they see me. They all carefully put Sally in her crib with a bottle of milk. They all walk to me and give me big hugs that I can't resist. "Um... Did you guys stay here all night?" I ask. "Yeah. Jordan wanted help with Sally and wrapping presents. After Jordan went to bed we took over taking care of Sally." Said Bethany. I just smile and give a simple "ok" before I go to my kitchen to make waffles.

Before I can get far, Jordan comes up behind me and carefully drags me to the couch so he and I can watch some Supernatural while the girls cook some birthday waffles.

After we eat waffles, and all watch supernatural and take care of Sally, I look at the time and see it's 1:00pm. Jordan notices the time as well and gives Isaac a nod. Isaac gets on his phone and calls Lucy and asks her to come see Sally. In about 5 minutes Lucy arrives and I greet her with a hug.

Then Jordan speaks up and says "y/n, since it's your birthday, we were thinking of taking you somewhere special. We can either bring Sally with us, or get a babysitter. Which one?". I think for a minute and say "let's bring her. Just make sure she's asleep. When are we going?". Isaac cuts in and says "now! Come on let's go slowpoke!!". I put Sally in her car seat and carry her to the Frye van and buckle her in. I'm forced to sit in the back blindfolded while Lucy and Beth play with Sally, Ciearra eats a waffle, and the boys sit up front.

When we finally arrive, Jordan and Beth take my hands and guide me to wherever we r going while everyone else carrys Sally and talk to me. When we get there, Jordan takes my blindfold off of me and present me to the graveyard where my mother and father were buried and gives me a bouquet of roses My mother's favorite flower, and my dad's picture.

I walk to my mom's grave and set the flowers on her grave. I then go to my dad's grave and set his picture down. I sink to my knees and start crying. I hear everyone talking but it doesn't bother me. After a few minutes I rise up and I walk back to the van and then I am rejoined with the blindfold. We drive for a while and once again I'm guided to wherever Jordan wants to take me.

This time Ciearra and Isaac take my arms and guide me around what I think is a store. Lucy takes off my blindfold and I see hot topic. I run straight to the Pokemon aisle and grab everything Pikachu I can carry then I give it to Beth. I go to the Bands and pick out a few (insert favorite band here) shirts and give them to Isaac.

I walk to the Doctor who and grab a few shirts and pairs of socks and some cute shoes and give them to Ciearra. After the Doctor Who, I grab one last thing. I pick out a pair of dragon earings and buy everything with the money the Fryes gave me.

While Isaac carries my bags, we walk to GameStop which is next door. I drag Jordan to the DS games and pick out a few Mario kart and Zelda games. Bethany finds guitar hero and picks out a awesome guitar and game for me and I buy it with some money that everyone gave me. Then, for our last stop, we go to a art store.

I pick up a few sketch books and a few packs of pencils. Then we go home and it's about 4:00pm. I order a pizza and after we eat, I'm forced to open my presents for both Sally and I.

I open my presents first. Jordan got me some Venturiantale shirts and sweatshirts and a new laptop. Isaac got me a few gift cards to GameStop and hot topic and he also got me a few cds from my favorite bands.

Bethany got me a lot of clothes. Specifically Supernatural and Sherlock. Ciearra got me some art supplies and tickets for 6 to go see my favorite band live and meet them backstage. Lucy didn't get me much. Only a necklace locket with a picture of Jordan and I together and a bracelet with my name engraved in it. But I still love it.

Sally got a few teething toys, bottles. Diapers, and a stroller. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday 😊.

So I know it's a long chapter, but just be glad I finally updated. I had a big vision for y/n's birthday. But I hoped you liked this update! If you enjoyed the update leave a like, comment, and follow and I'll see you all next time *salutes*

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