part 8 lemon

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(A/N I'm not gunna go into a lot of detail for this lemon, sorry. Btw, I'm gunna say 'it' when I'm talking about the lemon)

Y/N pov

Jordan and I went upstairs to my moms old bedroom. We jumped onto the bed and cuddled for a few minutes until we decided to do 'it'.

3rd pov

Jordan started kissing Y/N, at first it was slow and soft until it became more passionate fast and a bit rough. Jordan slid his hand under y/n's shirt and unbuckled her bra, then pulled it out from her shirt and flung it across the room. Y/N pulled away from the kiss and pulled off Jordan's shirt and dropped it on the floor. Jordan gentlly pulled of y/n's shirt and tossed it behind him. Y/N pulled Jordan into another kiss, this time I bit softer. Jordan slid his hands into y/n's pants and undid them. Y/N did the same to Jordan. They pulled away from the kiss and each took off their jeans. Now they were both standing there in just their underwear until Jordan picked up y/n and put her against the wall. Y/N wrapped her legs around Jordan and started kissing him again.

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