Walking in rain.

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"I hate the rain" You mumble to yourself. You look at your phone and it says you have a text.
"Hey Y/N, it's Lexi from work."
"Hi Lexi, what's up?!"
"Me and my friends are going shopping, wanna come?" you think it over and say

"No thanks, I'm good."

"You sure y/n?"

"Yes I'm sure Lexi."

"OK, bye then."
"bye Lexi"

While looking at your phone, you crash into a boy around 20. You both fall over. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." says the boy. He reaches out a hand to help you up and you take it. "Don't worry, I'm OK. Names y/n, what's yours?" you ask. "Jordan, Jordan Frye from venturiantale." he says, then he hands you a piece of paper. "I got to go, see you around sometime." says Jordan. "OK, sure." you say, almost screaming because you love watching venturiantale. Then Jordan walks away and when you can't see him, you run home and go into your room and turn on the latest venturiantale video. Then you remember that Jordan gave you a piece of paper. You open it up and see a number and some words. It reads: "meet me tomorrow at 1:30 at Starbucks. Here's my number ***-***-****, call me.". You almost screamed, you grabbed your phone and texted him saying:

You: Hey Jordan, its y/n.
Jordan: hi y/n, what r u up too?
You: nothing, just talking to you and watching venturiantale videos. Why?
Jordan: I was wondering if you wanted to come over and meet my siblings and maybe record a gmod video with us?
You: sure
Jordan: OK, I'll pick you up. Address?
You: 5058 northwest limits. (A/N I made up a address)
Jordan: OK, thanks. Be there in a bit.
You: kk

The Unimaginable Life (Jordan Frye x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ