Chapter 11

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Y/N pov

Jordan and I are going to look at houses today. We decided since we are married and going to be a mom and dad, we should have a house of our own. Jordan said we should get a house close to his siblings so they can all do videos still.

Isaac pov

Y/N and Jordan are buying looking at houses today. I decided to tell Y/N how I feel about her later today when Bethany and Ciearra go to the movies and when Jordan goes grocery shopping. It'll just be me and her all alone so nobody can eavesdrop.

-time skip 1 hour later-

Y/N pov

Jordan and I bought a house just down the street from the others. After we moved everything in the house, Beth and Ciearra went to the movies and Jordan went grocery shopping for his siblings and us. I didn't want to be alone, so Isaac came over to our new house and watched TV with me.

Isaac pov

Y/N is so beautiful. I need to tell her how I feel, now. "Y/N, I have something I want to tell you"
"What is it Isaac?"
"Come on Isaac. U can tell me"
"I love you"

Y/N pov

" Come on Isaac. U can tell me"
"I love you"
Isaac l-loves me.
"Isaac, I love Jordan. I'm his wife and I'm going to be the mother of his child. It's too late to try and win me over"
"I know. I just needed to tell you so I can get over you"
It got really quiet. Then Isaac started kissing me. I tried to push him away, but I'm to weak. Just then Bethany and Ciearra came in to see if Isaac was here. Isaac pulled away and I ran to Beth and Ciearra telling them everything. They hugged me and walked over to Isaac yelling at him for kissing me. Jordan walked in and I told him what happened and he broke up the argument. He looked at Isaac and sad, in a low voice "you are no brother of mine. Now get out of my house". Isaac walked back to the house. Beth and Ciearra hugged me and followed Isaac. Yelling at him for kissing me. Jordan came over and hugged me, telling me that Isaac is a jerk for kissing me when he knows I'm married to Jordan and going to have a baby.

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