I pulled my shirt over my head, and my sweatpants down my ankles. "Now close your eyes. I'm changing my boxers." I told Harry, although I knew he'd peek just like I did. And I was right, I caught him with his fingers spread a little so that his eye could peek out at me. "Hey!" I laughed. He blushed and walked closer as I pulled the plaid underwear up to my waist. I smiled, still giggling.

"Not now?" He asked again.

"Not now, Harry. We can't."

"Could we at least make out a little harder than usual tonight?"

Laughing at his odd request, I nodded. "Sure, babe. If you want." But to be honest I was really looking forward to it. I truly loved Harry, despite what others would think since I've only known him for a little while, but I knew in my own heart what my feelings were for him. And it was far more than just a crush.

He smiled and left my bedroom, strutting off proudly. I got dressed, and then we drove to a small diner down the street from the hotel. I helped Harry out of the car, since his ankle was hurt I didn't want him to jump the six inches to the hard ground. We walked in holding hands and the hostess greeted us with a smile. "For two?" She asked, grabbing two menus from under her podium. I nodded so she led us to our table. "Your server will be right with you."

I caught Harry looking around nervously, and cupped his cheek so he'd look at me. "Babe, the paparazzi aren't here. It's early. We'll be okay." I reassured him. He took a deep breath and calmed down a little. I smiled and took his hand, looking into his eyes. I really couldn't wait for the nightime. I wanted to kiss him so bad right then.

"Hi, I'm Laura and I'll be your server today, can I get you some drinks?" Harry and I both turned to the girl and her face changed. "Woah, aren't you the fighter who almost erm, died?" She asked Harry.

His eyes drooped and he frowned. All season he was undefeated until that one night. "Y-yeah." He said, voice a little shaky. "I'm fine now though."

"You're a real fighter, Harry." I smiled at him.

The waitress nodded and turned back to him. "Um, do you mind signing something for me? My boyfriend back home loves you. Watches every fight."

Harry's eyes lit up again, the way I love seeing. A smile was also pinned on his face and he nodded at her. "Where you from L-Laura?"

"I'm from Madley, Cheshire, but I moved to London and that's where I met Jake; My boyfriend."

"Oh cool! So I make it to Jake?" Harry asked the waitress. She nodded and pulled out a piece of her notepad paper. Harry signed it for her boyfriend and gave it back. "Here" he smiled.

"Thank you so, so much! Can I get you guys some drinks?"

I looked at Harry and nodded, knowing already what he wanted. "I'm gonna get a light blueberry tea, two sugars. And for him, a raspberry iced tea with lemon, three sugars."

"I'll be right back with those." She smiled and walked off.

"She seems nice." Harry said.

"A little annoying." I scoffed.

"Aw Louis! You're so cute, my little jealous boyfriend."

"I'm not jealous!" I crossed my arms. Harry raised an eyebrow. "Okay maybe a little jealous."

"A little? I saw you eyeing her everytime she smiled at me. Don't be jealous though babe, have you forgotten that she's not my type?"

I blushed. "Oh my god I'm stupid! You don't even like girls!" I said, burying my face in my hands, embarrassed.

Harry laughed. "Nope, so no need to get jealous, yeah babe?" I nodded, pulling my hands away slowly. Harry continued, "It was cute though."

The waitress Laura came back around ten minutes later with our drinks and then she took our orders. A while after that she came back with them, and Harry and I ate while talking about a number of different things on our minds.

We spent the rest of the day at the shops, goofing around and actually buying a few things for ourselves and each other. After that, we got takeout from McDonalds and ate it on the car ride home from the heart of Dublin, which was 45 minutes away from the hotel.

</ "Now?" Harry tugged on my shirt collar, halfway through the movie. He wiggled his bum on my lap where he was seated and tugged again. "Please."

"It's not dark out yet Harry. It's not officially 'tonight' until it's dark out."

"But it's seven! It's nighttime!" He whined.

"Ugh," I sighed. "You're lucky I love you."

Harry smiled bigger than I'd ever seen him smile before. He moved around a bit until he was straddling me, and he put his hands on my neck as he smiled again. "I love you too," he said before kissing me harshly and passionately. I got up from the couch, never breaking the kiss and carried him into his bedroom, where I kicked the door shut and laid him under me on the bed. I straddled him now, kissing his lips harshly, my tongue tasting all of the insides of his mouth. Our tongues brushed against each other's and he took over the dominance, shoving his tongue into my mouth as I tangled my hands in his soft curly hair.

"H-Harry" I moaned softly onto his lips.

Harry pulled back and looked worriedly into my eyes. "Huh? What is it babe?"

"Nothing, I just love you." I smirked, taking control again by pushing my tongue back through his lips. I subconsciously started grinding on him, and he did as best he could to do the same under me, rolling his hips.

“I love you too.” Harry moaned quietly. “I love you so much.” He stopped kissing me and I collapsed on top of him, his arms around me protectively. He rolled me over next to him and pulled the blanket over us both before putting his arms back around my waist so he was the big spoon. “Goodnight Louis.” He kissed my earlobe, which tickled. “Sweet dreams cutie.”

I smiled and made a cute little inhuman noise that made Harry wrap his arms tighter around me and kiss me one more time on the side of my lips. I smiled, “g’night baby.” and we fell asleep together, just like that, in each other’s touch.

Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @bradfords}Where stories live. Discover now