Part 16

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*3rd person pov* 

Hiroko and Hinata were currently being hauled away by some cloud ninja. 

"Hurry up! We don't have all day, we need to get them back to the village!" The leader exclaimed. 

"Wait, I get why we need the brat with the byukugan, but why this one?" A brown haired boy stated cocking a finger at Hiroko who was currently passed out slung over the blondes shoulder.

"She's Hiroko, Orochimaru's daughter, an S ranked criminal! If we capture her the Raikage will reward us handsomely." The leader said with a glint of insanity in his eyes. The brunette and the blonde looked at eachother and nodded, they all then took off through the tree's. 

"They're up ahead!" Kiba stated to Neji as they lept tree from tree. 

"Right!" Neji said. 

"Let's rest here for now," the leader said as he put Hinata down in the ground and tied her. It was just then that Hiroko started to gain consciousness.  The leaders eyes widen. "Paralyse her!" He yelled. Just as he did a smoke bomb covered the scene, when it cleared Hinata was gone and 'Kiba' was hopping through the trees with her. 

"Way to forget me," Hiroko mumbled. 

"Daichi stay here!" The leader yelled as he and the brunette went after Hinata. 

"I'm gonna murder them," Hiroko started saying as rage built up. SLAM! Diachi knocked her out. 

"How did that manage to happen?" A sound ninja in a tree said. 

"I have no clue," a second sound ninja said. 

"Should we save her now?" A six legged man asked. 

"THAT HURT!" They heard someone yell from below, it was Hiroko. She growled and broke the ropes with no sweat, Daichi got into fighting position. Hiroko cracked her knuckles giving off a deadly aura, by now Diachi was sweating in fear. "First I get landed on top of, then knocked out, I get kidnapped AND THEY SAVE HINATA BUT NOT ME?!" Hiroko yelled. She punched the ground with such force it could be felt miles away. 

"Hey did we forget something?" Kiba asked. 

"AHHH," they heard followed by a rumble and the ground shaking. 

"I-I think you f-forgot Hiroko," Hinata stuttered. Kiba and Neji's eyes widen. 

"We're gonna die!" They both yelled running off.

"Hiroko?" Hinata's father asked. 

"N-nice, s-scary. V-very strong," Hinata stuttered. Her father nodded. 

"I feel quite bad for those two," he said. 

"I can't believe you guys forgot about me," Hiroko said as she pouted looking at Kiba and Neji. 

"W-we didn't," Kiba said.

"Then why did you leave me here?" Hiroko asked. 

"Because we umm," Kiba started, "I need to go," he said then ran off. 

"S-same," Neji said then ran off with Kiba. Hiroko sat down on the grass and put her head on her knees. 

*Hiroko's pov* 

'I, I can't believe it,' I thought. I let my tears run down my face onto my lap. 

"Stupid mission," I mumbled then cried some more. 

"Why are you sad dear?" I heard someone ask, I looked up and saw dad. Dad sat down beside me and pulled me onto his lap, I stuffed my face into his chest. "Why are you crying little one?" 

"I-I thought, t-they forgot about m-me and d-didn't save me," I said through hiccups. I looked at dad and he had an angered expression on his face. 

"I'd never abandon you and neither would anyone else back at the hide out. You're to precious to us, if you were kidnapped I'd come and get you right away sweetie," dad said, I looked back up at him and sniffed. 

"You would?" I asked.

"Of course my dear," dad said. I smiled a bit tears still running down my face. 

"They were just using you dear, they don't actually care about you," he said and hugged me tighter. 

"They don't?" I asked. 

"No, they don't," dad replied. "Come back with me, come back home." 

"Ok," I said. 

"Feel better?" Dad asked with a snake like grin. I grinned back and nodded. "I love you sweetie."

"I love you more," I said as I hugged him once again. 

"I love you most," he replied as he hugged back. "Come on, we should get going," dad said as he reached his hand out for me. I nodded and took it. Dad then poofed away. I looked up at the sky. 

"A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in each truth expressed. Trust no one except yourself, trust only yourself for it is only you who can be trusted," I whispered looking at the sky. 


Sorry this was kinda cliche but yah know, heh. Plz comment, follow and vote! 

Orochimaru's daughterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz