Part 13

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*Hiroko's pov*

"Naruto!" I yelled as I ran up to him, beside him was some old looking dude. 

"Hiroko!" Naruto yelled back waving. I stopped directly in front of him and hugged him. 

"So who's this old perv?" I whispered to him.

"Huh?" Naruto asked, he then looked at the old man who was drooling and blushing. "Hey! Snap out of it pervy sage!" Naruto yelled. I giggled. 

"Huh? Hey! I told you not to call me that!" Pervy sage yelled back.

"Well you are one!" Naruto yelled back.

"Am not!" Pervy sage yelled.

"Are to! Right Hiroko?" Naruto asked.

"Uhm I guess so, hi pervy sage. I'm Hiroko," I said. He looked at me and his eyes widen then narrowed. 

"Who's your dad?" Pervy sage asked. Before I could answer Naruto did.

"Orochimaru! I hate him but I don't hate Hiroko. Hey pervy sage can Hiroko train with us?!"' Naruto asked excitedly.

"Orochimaru," pervy sage mumbled. "Fine," he said. Naruto and me grinned and high fived each other.  "We're working on chakra control and summoning." I nodded. 


"Summoning jutsu!" I yelled, I was really trying to summon a toad even though I could already summon snakes. A huge puff of smoke came out and a huge toad came out. 

"Eh? Who dares to call me?!" The toad yelled.

"I did, now listen here! I heard you are hard to control!" I yelled slipping down to meet him eye to eye. I glared at him which took him back. "Do you want to be my enemy or my ally?" I asked. 

"A-Ally." The toad stuttered. "Little girl did you actually summon me?" 

"Yes I did and my name is Hiroko," I said. The toad nodded. "Hey pervy sage! Is this good enough?!" I yelled down from this toad.

"How did you summon Gamabunta on your first try?" Pervy sage yelled.

"I have no clue! But I already love this toad! Look at his pipe he smokes!" I yelled. "Hey Gamabunta?" I asked.

"Yea kid?" He replied.

"I can summon you when ever I want or need right?" I asked.

"yeah," he replied.

"Alright!" I said excitedly. "This is so cool, I can now summon 5 different animals ha!" 

"5?" Gamabunta asked.

"Yea. I can summon snakes, dragons, phoenixes, gods and now toads!" I said with stars in my eyes. I unsummoned the toad and went down to Naruto. "Ramen?" I asked. 

"Yeah! Pervy sages treat to!" Naruto yelled.

"Really?" I asked looking at pervy sage. He started to sweat and then he sighed.

"Yea," he mumbled.

"Yay!" Bot me and Naruto said high fiving once again.

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