Part 31

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*Hiroko's pov*

I was walking around the village not paying attention to where I was heading and bumped straight into someone, we fell forward with me ending on top. I felt so,etching warm against my lips, almost like another pair of lips  opened my eyes only to see a blur of red hair. OnE name came to mind. 'Gaara.' I quickly got off and laughed awkwardly. 

"Sorry," I mumbled while scratching the back of my neck. His eyes widen in shock then turned back to normal. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into an ally. 

"Why don't you hate me?" He asked. 

"Because I know the truth, " I whispered loud enough so he could hear. I saw his eye widen once again and before I new it I crashed up against the wall with a warm pair of lips on mine. I melted into the kiss and threw my arms round his neck playing with his hair. I like Sasuke a lot, but when I see Gaara, when I look at him and when I kiss him. . . Sasuke doesn't even exist, I thought I loved Sasuke but it turns out I don't. I love. . . Gaara. My stomach was full of butterflies and Gaara pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine and gazed into my eyes, he kissed me again. Fire works erupted my feelings as we kissed again. You know that love that everyone wants, what they yearn for and what they strive to have. The kind in a fairy tail that never seems true, the kind that you didn't believe was real. . . Well it is.  Gaara set off all these emotions in me I never felt. I felt like I was in a dream, I didn't like being away from him. 

"Why are you here?" I asked softly. 

"Sasuke left so we came to help. Plus Lady Tsunade said she would be sending someone to live with us to create peace between our nations." Gaara replied in that raspy voice of his. 

"Oh." I replied, I hen pulled him closer to the point where our lips were almost touching and whispered "more kissing less talking." And with that we kissed again, passionately. I forgot about everything in the world, the world just seemed to fade away. Just me and Gaara seemed to exist, we pulled away and stared lovingly into eachothers eyes.  Clap, clap, clap, clap.  I turned around and saw Kankuro and Temari. 

"Nice going Gaara, you got a girlfriend before me. . .ans a pretty hot one too," Kankuro said as he eyes me. I stuck my tongue out at him and glared as Gaara pulled me closer to him. 

"Awe! I can't wait to see what my nephew and nieces will look like!" Temari said gushing. I turned a thousand shades of red and hid myself in Gaaras shirt. I felt so safe in his arms, almost invincible. 

"I love you," he whispered into my ear. 

"I love you too," I whispered back. We stayed in each other's arms for a while. 

"Where's my hug and kiss?!" Kankuro asked sadly, moment ruined. 

"Up your a**" I said and cuddled into Gaara more, looking  like I was afraid to let him go. He held me like he never wanted me to leave. So gentle yet firm. 

"When you have babies make sure you name one of them after me!" Temari said. 

"But you'll be alive," I said confused. 

"Fine, fine. I know," she huffed. I giggled. 

"Wait," Temari said. "YOU TWO DIDN'T OBJECT WHEN I SAID SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR BABIES!!!" Temari yelled. Me and Gaara blushed and looked at eachother then away, still in each other's embrace righ out even knowing it. 

"Your point?" I asked. 

"You're in looovvvvveeeeee," Temari teased. 

"Obviously. I love you Gaara." I said looking at him. 

"I love you too," he replied. 

"Ehm! You can take your hands off of eachother now." Kankuro said obviously jealous, he grabbed me by the waist and smirked. Gaara used his sand and grabbed me. Kankuro was about to try and grab me back but we As in Gaara and I, dissapeared.  We were at the front gates. 

"You ready?" I asked, he nodded. "Let's go."  With that we ran into the forest. . . Our battle begins. 

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