Stalking, Rumors, & Blood

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I sat on my porch and waited for Dean to arrive.

"What's wrong and don't try and tell me nothing because I could hear it in your voice on the phone."

I stayed seated and he joined me, I remained silent for a moment, I just let my head rest on his shoulder.

"What's going on love?" He sounded much more gentle.

"Jace...I don't know, I feel pathetic saying he's just following me around, but today he actually followed me home."

"What else?" He asked sharply.

I couldn't bring myself to admit that I had stood there and let Jace grab me, but I also knew he needed to know truth. I had purposely worn a top with billowy sleeves to hide the bruises that had formed on my upper arm.

You'd think being a wolf I would've healed but apparently you need to shift, something I didn't find out until today when I was researching it in the library before school let out earlier.

He carefully let his fingertips brush lightly over the bruises.

"Love." He whispered.

"He's also been threatening to hurt you, he hasn't said anything specific but he really doesn't want us to go to prom together."

That's when I broke down.

To an outsider I could see how him following me around can seem harmless, but there's nothing harmless in having your personal space invaded, made to feel unsure and unsafe, not even being able to go home because he knows where I live. For all I know he could be watching me right now, I was growing paranoid and I hated that I couldn't even control my emotions anymore.

"Don't cry love," Dean said roughly as he tried to remain strong in front of me.

"I hate this shit Dean." I said. "I can't go to school without wondering where I'll 'run into him', pack functions aren't any easier...Now I can't even come home without finding him here as well."

"I'm going to fucking hurt this kid!" Dean growled.

I looked up and saw his eyes were blacked out. I reached out and touched his handsome face, "please don't my love."

"Why are you still protecting him?!"

"I'm not protecting him, I'm trying to protect you...if you hurt him it'll eat away at you later on in life...Plus he's the Alpha's brother...there would be consequences for harming one of the Alpha's family members." I said.

We sat there defeated, my wolf could feel Dean's conflicted wolf. He was angry and sad, all he wanted to do was protect me and my wolf, and he felt like he had failed as a mate, now he couldn't even retaliate.

"Maybe you should just drop out of school." He suggested.

"I'm not gonna just drop out, I'm a senior...I'm almost done, I deserve to graduate and finish."

"I'm sorry, you're right...I didn't mean to upset you." He apologized.

"I know you're just trying to help." I sighed in defeat, then I thought about something. "He's the Alpha's brother."

"I know."

"Yeah, so what if we told Ryan what's going on, maybe he could order Jace to leave us alone." I said happily, I couldn't believe how simple the answer was and we had waited so long to do anything about it.

But when I looked at Dean he didn't look as enthusiastic as I was, "Jace won't shift until next month, so even if Ryan orders him he doesn't have to listen just yet as he isn't fully part of the pack yet, an Alpha can only order a wolf, and as Jace hasn't shifted yet his wolf is dormant and won't listen to anyone...that's why he's so hellbent on still trying to be with you."

I remained silent.

"Do you remember how you wanted to take things slow?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Just because we mentally want something doesn't mean shit after our wolves wake inside of us, once we shift and they wake up they essentially run the show." He said. "If Jace had shifted first he'd understand that, but his wolf is silent still so he's just a hurt little boy acting out."

"So basically we're back to square one with nothing to do but endure Jace doing whatever the hell he damn well pleases because no one can stop him."

"I can stop him but you won't like it." He offered once more.


The next day at school per the usual now, I tried to pay as little attention to Jace as possible.

But at lunch he came by and knocked my tray out of my hands, "damn're such a clutz." He said as a small group of individuals laughed at the scene.

Later in the day was when the tumors started.

"Cassandra Jones is a slut."

"I heard she's had a constant thing going on with Ryan, that's why Jace broke up with her."

"Poor Dean, if she ever becomes pregnant he'd better have that baby checked."

I couldn't take it anymore, after the last bell rung for the day I purposely went Looking for Jace and I found him surrounded by the familiar group of pack members' children but I could care less.

"Look Cassandra I told you it's over."

I reached back and punched him with everything I had in me, which was a lot when you take into consideration that I'm a fully shifted wolf and he's essentially a human.

"You stupid bitch, you broke my nose." He said as blood poured from his nose.

"If you think spreading rumors is hurting me I want to tell you that you're only making yourself look stupid, if I'm slut then you're the dumbass who stayed with quit fucking stalking me, leave me the hell alone and accept that I have somebody else or so help me Jace I won't stop Dean from kicking your ass.."

Jace's group of onlookers broke out in murmurs, apparently they were all stupid enough to believe him and now the truth was coming to light.

"Be careful Cassandra, you wouldn't want anything to happen to Dean would'd be a shame if something were to happen to his's an old school car he drives, a classic Chevy right?"

My heart beat furiously and my wolf wanted to come out right now and just rip Jace to shreds, but I knew I couldn't shift at school, also I needed to check on Dean immediately.

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