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Chapter Eight

When Dean and I finally reached his car, it wasn't quite what I was expecting (having never seen his car before) but I was thoroughly impressed none the less.

In true gentleman fashion Dean moved swiftly to the passenger side and effortlessly opened the door for me before going around and getting into the car himself. I credit this to him being older than most of the guys I know as well as a good upbringing. With the keys in the ignition the car roared to life and soon we were gone.

"I like your car." I sounded.

He smiled as he gave me a quick look, "thank you, it's a 1972 Chevy picked it up more than a few years ago and we fixed it up together."

I nodded, "it suits you."

And it really did, you see the thing about Dean, much like this car, is at first he may look very intimidating, he's rather tall (like most Were-men), sports a bit of expertly groomed facial hair, is slightly muscular, and has tattoos, a bit rough around the edges at first glance, and rough and tough as he may seem, he's always been nothing but kind toward me as well as extremely well respected amongst the pack.

"Any special reason for coming to the mall?" He asked.

"Oh," I know it may sound a little self centered but to be honest I just assumed everyone knew tonight was my first shift. To say I was taken off guard would be an understatement. "Well tonight my parents and Steph are having a big dinner in my honor so I need a new outfit."

"What's wrong with this one?" He asked as he motioned toward my current outfit.

Once more I couldn't help but blush, I had just sort of pulled on any old pair of jeans and a top before grabbing a sweater.

"Well the dinner is for my first shift tonight, so I'm going to need something a lot more special for the evening."

He nodded silently.

Suddenly I felt bad, here I was going on about a dinner and a special evening with friends and family but yet I hadn't invited him. Then an inner battle began within myself.

On one hand I thought I should invite him, he was nice enough to bring me to the mall after all, and who knows what he actually had planned for today prior to having taken me somewhere. Meanwhile on the other hand, I didn't know Dean that well, he is Ryan's friend and even if Ryan and I had one decent dinner together it didn't change the fact that I still feel like he doesn't like me very much and that makes all sorts of walls go up around me.

"Is everything okay Cassandra?" Dean asked as we began pulling into the malls parking lot.

"Excuse me?" I asked a little confused.

"You seem, it's just...I can feel your tension." He admitted almost hesitantly.

Now I was really taken off guard.

My face must've given me away, how can someone feel someone else's...well anything that isn't physical.

He smiled softly a small understanding written plainly on his face, "it's a wolf thing Cassie, now it looks like we're going to have to park a little away from the actual mall since it looks super packed."

I took in his word and suddenly realized he was planning on staying with me until I was done.

"Y-ya know you can just drop me off in the front and my dad can pick me up when I'm ready."

He shook his head, "it's cool, for one I don't mind waiting around for you to do your shopping, but seriously though, like I mentioned before...I was on my way to the mall too, and if I'm being honest, I probably should've come shopping weeks ago." He admitted. "I've been putting it off but seeing how I'm suppose to go to my cabin tomorrow I can't really put it off much longer."

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