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Chapter Three

As the days turned into weeks I noticed that Jace was still being a little flaky with me as he'd get into his whole grumpy, angry at the world attitude, and essentially wouldn't talk to anyone...and knowing I couldn't do much to help him, I did the only thing I felt like he wanted...kept my distance.

He'd go days without talking to me, in person or on the phone.

I'd even gone over to the pack house to hangout with him on a few occasions but his mom told me he wasn't there or that he wasn't feeling good.

And as Thursday night rolled around (2 weeks later) Steph and I were all geared up for one of favorite past times, a slumber party.

I sat patiently on the floor as Stephanie's fingers twisted various strands of my hair this way and that way.

"Hey can I say something?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Okay so hear me out okay...well I was thinking, maybe it's actually a good thing that you and Jace are taking some time to distance yourselves ya know?"

I shook my head, "Steph this isn't something we decided on, it just sort of happened." I sounded sadly. "I think it has a lot to do with him still coming to grips with the fact that he's not going to be Beta."

But as I said the words I knew something wasn't right, and this was Stephanie...my best friend, I knew I could be honest with her, "But...but what if he's ghosting me...like, what if he doesn't want to be together anymore?"

I had to be real with myself, I couldn't just keep telling people "we're fine, I'm just giving him some space to collect himself."

"I don't know Hun, but listen...regardless of wherever Jace's headspace is right now, or what he's going through...We don't know he's done with your relationship for good yet, so talk to him." She said before she added, "But, if you want my honest opinion...you and Jace have had a good run as far as relationships go, and you know I like Jace like an annoying little brother...but Cassie, let's be real..."

I turned to face her. I could see the concern etched on her face. "What do you mean, 'be real'?"

She shrugged, "Well Cass...in a matter of a couple of weeks you and I will be shifting for the first time, and hopefully it won't be too long before we will find our mates...and girl don't get me wrong... your Mate may or may not be Jace and if it is, that's great I'd be so happy for you...but you also know the rules...you'll have to keep your distance until he shifts and finds out you're his mate."

I nodded.

"But of course, there's a chance he might not be." I added.

She offered me a sad smile, "yeah...and if he's not your mate... you've got to be real with yourself and girl maybe you should think about letting go of him already, to make things easier on the both of you."

I know she meant well but it was too painful to hear.

Even though Jace and I went into this relationship knowing fully well that we could end up not being mates, it sucked feeling like the past 4 years were basically going to be seen as a complete waste of our time.

To know I could possibly be losing the guy who gave me my first kiss, the same one who consoled me every time one of my favorite shows ended and I was an emotional wreck (even if he didn't understand the feels I had for fictional characters), the one I shared most of my secrets with, the guy I couldn't help but make future plans with...the one that I fell in love with against my better judgment.

My Jealous Ex-WolfWhere stories live. Discover now