Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Please just leave me alone" I pleaded with the group of girls infront of me as I backed away. I bet your wondering how I got in this position. Lets start from the beginning.

*Earlier this morning*

"Hailey are you ready now?" Austin asked me for the millionth time. I looked over and rolled my eyes.

"Hold on" I said making last minute adjustments on my jersey. I smiled at my reflection and walked out meeting Austin with my backpack in his hands. He gave me his famous smile and we walked to the car where everyone else was.

"So after your game we are heading to Louis lake house where the crew is meeting us" Austin said, I nodded my head. Suddenly nerves took over my stomach making it turn and ache with every movement. What if I cant remember the plays or anything. What if I screw up and make us lose.

"Hailey.. Listen to me" Austin said. I looked up to see no one else in the car. I guess they already went inside.

"Don't be nervous" He said caressing my cheek. I nodded my head as he got up hopping out of the car.

"Now lets go win your last ball game" He said smiling at me.


"Coach I cant" I said. She looks me in the eyes.

"I've seen you play. Your one of the best players we have. You cant let fear run you life, you have to believe in your heart and trust that God will help you succeed, and if you don't, it's not the end of the world. You have talent, use it" she said to me. I nodded and walked out of the dressing room. I ran into someone falling flat on my butt.

"Sorry" I said to the person getting up and looking at a girl well over 6 foot.

"Well look who we have here. The girl from that stuck up private school." She said as my blood boiled. I didn't really have to look up to her because I was about 5'8, but still had to a bit. I walked away, but she grabbed my arm and whispered to me.

"Lose the game, or else." She said as I pulled away acting like I didn't care. But her words stuck in my brain.

*What does she mean by Or else?

We warmed up and it was game time. I was terrified. If I lose the game I let my team down, but if I don't I have her to add to my list of worries. I groan as she picks the starting 5 but stops at four..

"Hailey" she said looking at me. I nodded hesitantly. This is going to be intresting..


"Girls, You have about 5 seconds to score. Here's the plan.." After explaining the plan we ran out onto the court. We threw it in as I ran down the floor.

"Hailey!" They yelled behind me. I turned to see the ball coming. I caught it and went to shoot a layup, as I jumped she pulled my legs out from under me making me land flat on my back. I groaned as everyone cheered. I assume I made it, unless they are glad I'm on the ground about to die. I stood up and walked over to my team as we shook hands with the other team.


"Hailey can I speak with you" coach said. I nodded and followed her to her office.

"I want to offer you a full time scholarship" She said. My jaw dropped.

"By full time-"

"Live here on campus and play for me next year. Think about and get back to me within the month." She said. I nodded and grabbed my stuff walking out of the locker room. My mind debating what I should do. I can stay here and finish schooling and help kids play the game I love, but I will have to leave the people that have been there for me since my life got turned upside down.

"Look who we have here..."

*Present time*

"Please just leave me alone" I pleaded with the group of girls infront of me as I backed away. I turned to see stairs behind me. Without another step I tumbled down then. I groaned hitting every step on the way down. I felt repeated kicks, punches, slaps, and so on. I closed my eyes wishing someone would save me.

"Hai- Hey leave her alone!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to see Austin and Alex hovering above me.

"Are you ok?" Austin asked me. They helped me sit up as I groaned in pain.

"I think." I said trying to sit up on my own. Austin grabbed my hand and the other hand resting on my back.

"Come on let's get out of here." He said helping me up. I leaned on his for support. I winced with each step as the pain increased.

When we arrived at the car which seemed miles away, but was only a few minutes I settled in the seat with Austin beside me. Niall looked at my bruises already beginning to form before speaking

"Whats wrong?" Niall asked when we got in the car.

"These girls b-beat me up because I d-didn't lose the game for t-them" I said sobbing. I don't know why I was. But I did.

"Shh babe." Austin said soothing me. I cried into his chest as my cries became sniffles and I drifted to sleep.

*Austin's POV*

She fell asleep in my arms. I smiled as I looked up to see everyone starring at me creepily.

"Austin is in love!" Louis screams as Eleanor slaps him across the chest telling him to be quiet. I chuckled as he sent me a glare.

"But seriously dude do you love her?" Niall asked me. Do I love her?

"I think I might love her." I said looking down, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"AWE!" Eleanor and Louis said. Alex laughed beside me. I look over and roll my eyes at his girly behavior.

"We're here!" Zayn yelled getting out of the car along with everyone else. We walked inside.

It. Is. Huge.

"Close you mouth, you might catch flies." El said. I laughed taking Maeley up to a room and covering her up in some blankets. I kiss her forehead and walk out closing the door quietly.


Happy Saturday Guys! If you liked the chapter PLEASE comment, vote, and add to your reading list! I love you guys! :) See you next saturday! :) MUAH!

"If they pray to me and repent turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again" 2 Chronicles 7:14

To Far Broken (An Austin Mahone Love story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now