Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

If I told you everything has been great..

I would be lying.

Everything is falling apart right in front of me and I have no idea how to stop it. Austin has totally forgotten about me. The crew shows me sympathy, but I don't want to hear it or see it. I'm so sick of being forgotten about. The worst thing that could happen is happening, and I'm terrified of being forgotten about and being left behind because of some stupid girl. You probably are thinking 'Wow what a jerk' but if you had your cousin come and take the people you love most. You would be thinking way worse than what I am. Trust me. I just wish everything would get back to the way it was. But the worst thing is, I'm getting tons of hate on twitter because I'm 'changing' Austin. Please get your facts straight, I am not dating Austin, Someone way prettier is..

"Hailey! Lisa wants to talk to you!" Robert yelled running into my room. I groan. What does she want this time.

"Come on" He whined as we walked out of my room and over to Lisa's. Since we have a day off, we are all chilling all over the hotel. We aren't aloud to leave for some reason.

"Come sit." Lisa said as I slowly walked over realizing Robert left. Great. Now I have to face her alone.

"What do you need?" I asked politely hoping to leave and go back to the comfort of my bed I haven't left in days.

"Well, Callie told me you have been sneaking out after curfew." She said. My jaw dropped.

"WHAT?" I asked looking at her with wide eyes. Does she really think I would do that?

"Have you?" She asked. I shook my head violently.

"No! Why would you believe her?" I asked in a irritated tone.

"Why wouldn't I? You have been out of control lately" She said. Oh my gosh this cant be happening.

"SHE IS LYING I SWEAR!" I said tears falling from my eyes felling betrayed and filled with anger.

"Why would she lie? You're ruining Austin's reputation by sneaking out. You're his best friend." She said looking at me. I groaned loudly.

"Does she have proof I have been 'sneaking out'!" I asked as she pulled out her phone.

She showed me and obviously edited photo.

"That's not me." I said harshly grabbing my phone and walking out.

"Don't you dare open that door." she growled at me. I stopped dead in my tracks spinning around on my heels. Suddenly the door opened as the wicked witch of the west walked in on her heels clicking with every step. I slowly sat down on the couch.

"I'm really worried about you Hailey." Callie said with a smirk appearing on her face. I rolled my eyes.


"Hailey! Be polite!" Lisa said as I looked at her.

"Lisa can you let us talk this out. Alone" Callie said as Lisa left. She walked over to me and smirked at me as she laid on the floor and started to scream. I tilted my head in confusion as everyone ran into the living room.

"She Slapped me!" Callie 'cried' as Austin looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"WHY DID YOU TOUCH HER?" He screamed at me. I looked at him with disgust as I looked over to see Callie smirking at me.

"I didn't touch her!" I hissed. He laughed rolling his eyes. This Austin scared me.

"Hailey! Just go!" Lisa said. I walked out of the room and sat on my bed. Why wont they believe me? When I tell the truth I get told I'm wrong its not fair!

"Hailey" Alex called. I opened the door letting him in. I sat on my bed taking a shaky breath.

"Are you ok?" He asked me looking into my teary eyes.

"I'm fine" I mumbled as he put his arm around me.

"What's really wrong with you?" he questioned as I looked down.

"I didn't do it." I mumbled again as he looked at me. Does he honestly believe me?

"I believe you. I'm sorry about Austin.." he said looking at me as fresh tears fell remembering the events that took place.

"Why did I have to come here? It would make your lives so much easier If I just left." I said looking at him. He raised a eyebrow as I looked down.

"You came here because it was meant to happen. I understand you might not have wanted it to happen. But it did and you need to be glad it did. Things could be so much worse for you, but they aren't. You have people that love you here. I love you, So does Austin. He is just, caught up in 'love' he thinks he is in. But deep down, he is miserable" Alex said. I smiled hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me.

"It's going to be fine. You're stronger than you think you are" he smiled at me. I gave him a grin as I stood up starting for the door.

"Where you going?" Alex asked me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm starving" I laughed walking out of the room with Alex behind me.


"I cant believe you did that!" Alex laughed as we walked out of the elevator, met by an angry Lisa.

"Where were you two?" She questioned.

"We went to Mcdonalds." I said.

"FOR 3 HOURS!" She yelled waking the whole neighborhood.

"We got lost" I said as she dragged me to my room. I groaned sitting on my bed as she yelled at me saying I am out of control, and that I need to stop being like this.

"Then why did you bring me?! Was This your plan all along? To Have Callie set me up so I would fail and you didn't have to take care of me? I thought you actually cared about me, that you wouldn't leave me like everyone else did! But I guess I was wrong." I yelled at her. She looked down giving me a letter from a school I applied to for a basketball scholarship. My eyes widened as I opened it. I looked up to see her gone.

Dear Hailey Prescot (A/n Wow that a weird name..)

You Have been accepted to come on August 1, 2013. We expect to see you then!

London University (A/N I don't know if the play basketball in London as I main sport.. But lets pretend ((: )

"I've been accepted." I said smiling. I can finally leave and follow what I promised my parents I would do. When something hit me like a lightbulb going off in my head.

"Whats today?" I questioned myself out loud looking at my phone.

July 30

I pulled out my lap top buying a ticket to London in the morning. I pulled out my phone and texted Eleanor as I was packing.

To Eleanor

Heyy I need a favor! You up for it??

From Eleanor

Sure Love! What is it??

To Eleanor

Can you pick me up at the airport Tomorrow?

From Eleanor

Yes!! ((;

To Eleanor

Okay See you then! ((;

I sat my phone down and crawled into bed. Now I have just to tell the rest of the crew.


HAPPY SATUDAY!! ((: If you liked the chapter please vote and comment!! I LOVE YOUUUUU! <3

To Far Broken (An Austin Mahone Love story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now