Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

8 months later

"Are you ready Hailey?" Niall said walking into my room. I sat on my bed as nerves swarmed my head and stomach.

"Hailey you will be fine" Niall said in a soothing brotherly way. I smiled, Niall and I where the closest out of all of us, I love him like a brother, and only a brother. I looked at him with a smile.

"Thanks Ni" I said smiling. He had this look of excitement to his eyes. I smiled as I got up and we drove to the gym.


Austin's POV

"Calm down Austin" Alex said laying a hand on my shoulder as we sat in the van on our way to Hailey's basketball game. We are surprising her and taking her on tour with me this summer, And the best part is I'm opening for One Direction!

We pulled up to the gymnasium. I hopped out of the car and ran to give the lady my ticket. I waited for Alex at the door, then rushed in. We found the guys and Eleanor I'm guessing. We sat down next to them and watched my beautiful soon-to-be girlfriend play.

Hailey's POV

"See you girls here in the Morning for the last game." Our coach said. We all nodded and went to get ready. I put on Nike Black shorts with sweats over them, a black Nike dry-fit shirt, my hair in a messy bun, and my converse and walked out the door with my back pack on securely. I expected to see The guys and Eleanor, but someone else was with them. Two someones. They turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes..


I saw my best friend standing there smiling at me. I smiled back and ran into his arms. I felt protected, like I belonged there. I took in his scent.

"You smell" Austin whispered into my ear making me laugh. I didn't care. I just played basketball.. I had a reason.

"Lets go eat!" Niall said making me laugh.


"Don't you want to change?" Zayn questioned with a look of disgust of his face.

"I'm starving.. I don't care if I smell" I said smiling running out to the car.

This has been the best day ever..

To Far Broken (An Austin Mahone Love story) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now