“Yeah! No wait! I have to sit through this too?”

“You are staying the night,” I point out. “Unless you don’t want eat, you have to sit through this dinner.” I rummage through my closet and try to fin her something to wear other than her current basketball shorts and t-shirt.

“Curse you for using my love of food against me!” She shouts and glares at me.” I hate you.” She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

“Stop being such a baby and put this on.” I toss a black skirt and turquoise shirt at her and she almost falls off the bed trying to catch them.

“Fine,” she grumbles and walks across the hall to the bathroom. I look into my full-length mirror and sigh when I notice a wet spot on my shoulder from Suzume’s tears. I pull the shirt off and toss it on the ground then put on a tight black shirt with a bloody white rose on the front. Now that I know who the guests are, I really don’t care how I look.

Suzume walks back into room and raises an eyebrow when she sees my shirt. “Seriously?”

“Yep,” I say popping the “p”. I skip over to her and pull her hair out of her ponytail so that it falls to her shoulders in slight waves. “Now come on or we’ll get yelled at for taking too long.”

When we get halfway down the stairs Suzume grabs my arm to stop me. I glance back at her with a questioning look and she just smiles at me.

“I forgot to tell you the only good part about living with my Uncle.”

“And that would be?”

“He’s paying for me to go to the same school as you!”

I let out an uncharacteristically girly squeal and start doing a victory dance. Suzume stares at me like I’m the strangest thing on earth, shakes her head and joins in.

“What are you doing?” Asks a monotone voice.

“It’s their victory dance, Teme.” Naruto says.

“Naruto!” I shout. “Guess what I just found out!”

“Do I even want to know?” He asks.

“Suzume is coming to our school!” I say happily.

“Kami save us all,” he mutters and walks away.

“Love you too Naruto!” Suzume shouts after him with a laugh before her, Sasuke and I follow after him to the dining room where everyone else is waiting.

“Itachi!” Suzume squeals and glomps the unaware boy, causing them to fall to the ground. “Guess what? You’re gonna get to see me more often because I’m going to your school!”

“Kami save us,” Itachi says pushing the brunette off him.

“That’s what Naruto said,” I say happily and drag Suzume up.

“Oh and I think Tsunade took pity on me and gave me the exact same schedule as you!” My best friend says to me.

“That means you’ll have physics with Itachi!” I smile and Itachi groans.

“She’s sitting far, far away from me. In fact,” he smirks. “I think Hidan would love to sit with her.”

“I would love to see that,” I cackle and just imagine ways we could torment Hidan together.

“Is he the silver haired idiot I met at the mall?” Suzume asks and I nod. An evil smile forms on her face and chances are she’s thinking the same thing as me.

“Why are you suddenly going to Konoha Academy?” Minato asks.

“My parents don’t have enough money to take me with them to America so their making me live with my Uncle.” She explains sadly. “He said that if I’m going to live with him I can’t go to a filthy public school.”

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now