Ch. 9 - What It Meant

Start from the beginning

“Are you okay?” he said softly. I lowered my hands, opened my eyes and looked at him. “I mean, you kissed her, I—… I thought you’d be happy.”

I continued to look at him, letting the silence embrace us. “I like her. I really do,” I admitted. “But the problem is, Fredo… I don’t want to fall in love. Not again.”


Popstar Justin Bieber: Is it the end of his career soon?

I quit the twitter app, ignoring yet another title for yet another celebrity article about me. It was pretty early in the morning and I knew both Alfredo and Jackie still must’ve been asleep.

I got off the bed and quickly took a morning shower and brushed my teeth before leaving down the hall. Just as I suspected, I was the only one awake, which was strange because now it was unusually quiet. That just equals more time to think and more time to think equals me wondering what’s wrong with my life.

Everyday there’s a new article written about me. Whether it’s online, criticism on twitter, articles on magazines or even newspapers, I don’t know. All I know is that they write bullshit about me whether it’s true or not. They get paid to lie about things I’ve done or to alter the truth just to make me look bad.

The world seemed to have forgotten I’m human.

It’s as if they think that just because I’m famous, I’m an easier target and that it’s okay to say things about me because I feel no emotions and because I don’t have a heart.

I slowly plopped down on the couch head first, turning my head to watch the television that wasn’t even on.

My fame is a blessing and a curse. I get to live my dream but in return, I’ve had to sacrifice my normal life. I’ve gotten used to knowing I’ll never be normal again, but sometimes it just hurts. And it’s not the kind of pain you get when you fall off your bike and scrape your knee badly, or the pain you get when you get hit by a speeding car, it’s the kind of pain you get when you watch someone you love die in front of your eyes, for example. Then that’s when it hits you that you’ll never, ever see them again.

You’ll never have the same conversations with them that you used to. You’ll never be able to see their heartwarming smile. You’ll never be able to hug them the way you used to, or have them make you smile.

It feels like my family, friends, and beliebers went through that same pain. It feels like they had to watch kidrauhl die in front of their eyes.

Now I’m not the same. They can’t talk, hug, or get the same smile from me like they used to. Kidrauhl has been assassinated by the media, and it’s the only murder the world seems to think is legal. Why? Because they… They don’t really care.


I snapped my head over to look at Jackie, who looked like she had just woken up, her hair in a high ponytail. The sight of her was blurred and that’s how I knew I was crying.

“Justin, are you okay?” her voice was covered in sadness as she approached me slowly. Sniffing, I quickly wiped my tears away and sat up.

“I’m fine,” I lied. “I should go order breakfast.”

Before I could even stand up, Jackie grabbed my hand, pulling me back. “No, wait,” she pleaded. “You don’t have to hide from me. I want to help.”

“Jackie, I’m fine,” I enunciated the words slowly, in hopes that she’d let it go.

“You were laying down on the couch, face down, at seven in the morning with tears streaming down your face,” she frowned, her eyes shining with dismal light.

“It’s my morning routine,” I joked, shrugging. A small smile plastered across her lips, but she still wasn’t amused.

“Seriously,” she said, a stern look now on her face.

“Jackie, you’re leaving tomorrow. I don’t want to spend our last hours talking about how you caught me at my weak point,” I sighed.

“Your weak point? W-What do you mean?”

I mentally slapped myself. “Nothing. Now, I know you’re hungry so let me order some breakfast.”

This time, I didn’t let her hold me back as I stood up and quickly left to order room service.


Sorry it was a little shorter than usual, I have to leave for my friend’s birthday party soon.

But I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :)

It was actually quite sad, really……

Also, follow Alfredo from the story on Twitter:


- Nina xx

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