49: "The Get-back-Tina Plan"

Start from the beginning

I looked around the room. What was I supposed to do to win her? I need to win her favor before we'd get back home from the trip. I need to surprise her. I need to make certain I have a sure shot.

My eyes landed on an interesting poster just right across us, taped on the wall. I smirked, then looked at Dawn with a confident grin.

I pointed at the poster and she instantly looks at it. She seemed to catch my gist and she, too, had smiled mischievously.

"Seems like a plan." Dawn smirked teasingly at me, propping her elbow up the counter and leaned her chin onto her palm.

"You think the guys will help?" I asked, slight nervousness clear on my voice.

With a shared knowing stare, she raises an eyebrow and stood up from the chair.

"Let's see. You get the guys huddled up, I'll go get Kirby to distract Tina." Dawn said, excitement clear on her voice as she walks nonchalantly towards Kirby and Tina. I see her talking, engaging both of them in a conversation.

While Tina answered Dawn's question, Dawn leaned in to whisper at Kirby. He seemed defiant at first, even throwing a glare at me, then Dawn talked some more and his facial features relaxed.

Since Dawn was doing her own thing, I hurriedly strode over Michael's almost dead position on the floor. I poked his stomach, making him groan and look at me with drooping eyes.

"What's up Hemmo?" he slurred, smiling like a dizzy goldfish.

"We need to talk. Come let's go by the counter." I offered my hand, helping him stand up. He took it gladly and I pulled him up with all I can, his arm slinging in an instant around my shoulders as he stood up. I wobble with him towards the counter, dropping him in an empty chair.

He was at least awake now, but his goofy self remained. "I want to play poker. Or let's have a dance party!" he whined.

I shrugged, throwing him a slight smile, before patting his back and heading sneakily towards Ashton and Natalie. Kirby and Tina were still talking with Dawn by the corner, and by the looks of it, Kirby already knows what Dawn is up to so with a short sentence to Tina and a nudge on her elbow, they were now heading off towards the exit by the fireplace.

Dawn grinned triumphantly, raising two thumbs up. I throw the same smile yet in a grateful way, and patted her shoulder once.

"Well, what's going on?" Natalie asked. Ashton then scanned me, as if still doubting and scrutinizing every part of me. I admit it feels bad, losing a part of their trust. But I'm not only here to gain Tina back, I'm here to mend my friendship with these three goons I've grown to know throughout my awkward hormonal teenager years.

"Counter.Now." Dawn ordered, talking instead of me. I was fine with it. At least it got both of them walking with us towards where the rest of the guys were in a snap.

As each of us seated properly, Calum and Michael both tipsy, paid attention on me. Their eyes were expecting and curious, and I couldn't help but gulp again.

I start with my public apology (sort of) first. "Hey, friends, old and new may it be. I'm very sorry. I've become the typical bad boy and all that dirty habits and shit, I really was out of my mind. I know you, Cal, Ash, Mikey, raised me well. Not in a motherly way, you know, you've thought me the basics of not being lame. You were like the addition to my family, the brothers I've learned to love. Cheesy, damn it, but true. I'm sorry, I know you're Tina's friends also, and I told her how much I'm sorry too. Again, I am sorry, dudes."

My bottom lip was probably shaking. It might seem gay, but I was about to cry. Oh how I've missed these idiots. No amount of social-climbing friends and parties would be worth to exchange them with. They make my life more colorful, more meaningful perhaps.

I didn't notice it but Michael was already pouting, the tears brimming on his eyes. Calum was worse, already sobbing loudly. And Ashton, even though he wasn't drunk, had glossy eyes. I couldn't help but choke a sob and attacked them for a group hug.

We weren't crying, but we were making inhuman voices. Like we were half happy, half sad.

The girls seemed to applause, cheering like they were watching a comeback of NSYNC. I released them from my arms and sniffed, smiling giddily.

"It's okay bro. We'll always be your friend." Calum said, hiccupping due to being tipsy, but his words were clearly genuine.

I was about to respond another long speech of gratitude and sorry, when Kirby busted into the room. He panted, locking the door right after. We all look at him silently, watching him walk over us with a gloomy expression.

"Tina's upstairs taking a bath. We have almost half an hour to plan." he tells us, then he turns to face me. "Hemmings, you better have a good plan up your brain. This is your surest way to win, asshole." he snapped, yet smirked right after. I don't know whether Kirby was encouraging or threatening me.

"Plan? What plan?" Jamie asked, leaning her elbows up on the counter.

Dawn faced me with an eyebrow cocked up, urging me for an answer. Not just any answer, an answer worth getting their help.

"There's this costume ball tomorrow at eight in the evening, in an events hall just adjacent to this ranch. I have plans to surprise her, make her feel special, show her how I am better than ever. And I was hoping if you could help me win Tina back. If that's fine..." I trailed off in silence. I was damn nervous. Maybe they've had enough at forgiving me, and asking for their help would be too greedy.

They stay silent for a while. I was about to take it back when I said when smirks appeared on their lips.

"Finally! Luke does something decent!" Ashton sighed in relief, landing a smack on my back. I groaned. Well that hurt.

"A Lukina get-together plan." Kirby crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at me. I tensed with the way he stares. But his expression shifts into a teasing one. "Sounds pretty good to me. What can we do to sail this ship, Captain Hemmo?"


soooo one month inactive i was again, right? i'm really sorry. my life has been going downhill lately. my dad and i argued. my grandma died. my laptop died. my pet cat Hermione died... which all lead to a nasty writer's block. i hope you understand me. ilysmya'll.

anyways one more chapter then the epilogue! wow i can't believe bg101's about to finish. deyum. don't worry though, Just The Way You I'm Not is up ahead. and also many other fics. if i still get the inspiration to write them lolol.

vote and pretty pleaseeeeee comment! iwanna know what you think of bg101 please please it's about to end so please consider my request lolol. xx

dedicated to @palum_ bc queen.

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