15: "Datewreckers"

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I smirked and nodded "Why not now?"

"Let's start it now then!" Calum said, clapping his hands like a seal.

"Let's ruin their date!" Michael shouts in a devilish tone. The guys had smirk plastered on their lips.

"I just said I don't want to-"

"Nope we're going to ruin it."

I sighed looking at Michael smacking the back of Ashton's head. I tried to hide behind these bushes comfortably, sighing again after seeing Calum's attempt to calm the two down, but instead the three are thumping each other's foreheads.

"Don't touch my ass Ashton!" Michael taps Ashton's hand away, making Ashton do gagging noises.

"I wasn't touching your arse Mikey," he rolled his eyes casually.

They continued to shuffle and kept rambling. I groaned and pinched the three lads on their sides, "Thanks for making our cover secretive." I said sarcastically.

Instead of stopping, they fought off with each other again and exchanged the statement "it was your fault".

They tamed down when they saw Luke and Dawn making their way towards a seat, having Luke to pull he chair for Dawn.

"Erm someone's jealous," Ashton said with a grin. I responded with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Wait up here," Calum said and stood up. We silently looked at him, gesturing him to come back but he went straight in an employee's room. He came out after a minute, wearing a waiter's uniform with some sort of a fake mustache on.

"What is he planning?" I asked the guys, them answering me by showing confused faces.

We watch Calum as he made his way close to Luke and Dawn's table. My eyes widened, almost screaming out his name but Michael covered my mouth.

"Let him be, let's see where this goes," Michael whispered. I nodded and so he brought his hand down.

[Luke's POV]

"Good morning monsieur," a funny-looking waiter comes over us. I suspiciously looked at him, the color of his mustache didn't match his ebony quiff of hair.

In some point, I think this guy is familiar.

"I thought this wasn't a French restaurant though," Dawn whispers with a chuckle. The waiter's look stiffens, smiling cheekily.

"W-well you see, it's French Restaurant day! All restaurants around the world must act like a classy French one," he quickly explained and snapped his fingers. I cocked an eyebrow as he brought out a notepad, "Now the order mademoiselle and monsieur?"

"Green salad with Caesar dressing, with creamed emmer as side dish." Dawn says after she glanced over the menu.

"I'll take an order of butter-melted scallops, and radish slices for the side dish." I told the waiter and he scribbles it over the notepad.

"Drinks?" he asked. I carefully looked at him again, the discomfort evident in his face so I looked down at the menu.

"2 glasses of iced tea." I replied, my gaze trying not to be obvious to familiarize his face.

"Bon appétit," he lightly chuckles and hurriedly walked away from our table.

"If I'm right, you are supposed to say bon appétit when the food is ready?" Dawn asked and started to giggle. I laughed along with her.

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat