17: The Befriending

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[Tina's POV]

As soon as the guys were gone, i glanced at Luke. A part of me says that this is my chance to get back to the restaurant, get a knife, and stab him. Another part of me says i should get a strand of his hair and voodoo him to fall inlove with me. And another part of me thinks Red Bull makes nerds like me psycho, so i should stop drinking that.

Should i go to him and comfort him? Or insult him again? Or both?

How can i even insult and comfort him at the same time?

Should i leave him here and go to Dawn instead? And maybe poison her mind so she wouldn't like Luke anymore?

God what a friend am i, and why did i've gone like. Thinking random stuffs.

Maybe i should knock his head on the sidewalk so he'd get amnesia and i'll lie to him that i'm his wife?

Where did that come from...

Okay fine, i'll just normally go to Luke, be myself, and talk to him. Be normal Tina, fight the alcohol that the Red Bull brought into your system and normal thinking.

"I can't believe that Luke Hemmings is crying," i said. He turned around and looked at me, then quickly wiped off his cheek.

"I wasn't crying! T-that was sweat!" he protested. I chuckled and sat beside him.

Normally, i would want to laugh at him and punch him in his face. But then seeing Luke cry weakens me, i don't want to see him hurt. Even though I enjoy it if he is physically hurt.

"Cool, sweat dropping from the eyes. Science must study that now," i laughed once more and looked at him. He sighed and shook his head.

"Why are you here? Did you saw what just happened?" he asked. I smirked at the thought of what the guys just did. They did one heck of a plan there. I'm Dawn's bestfriend, and because i don't want her to be Luke's girlfriend because i like him, i would've kneed the three of those goons on their nutsacks.

"I happened to pass by, and yes I saw it. Perv," the lie rolls of my tongue easily. I nudged him with my elbow to tease him.

He rolled his eyes and looked like the Luke i used to bicker with, not the guy who broke my heart. Which was a bit of heart-warming, and hella cheesy.

"I didn't mean it! It was all a bunch of accidents. It's because of the three weird guys from the restaurant." he said with an obvious annoyance in his tone. I reached out to his back and rubbed it, maybe to tense him down.

Darn it, why did Calum think of that anyway? On the first place, Ashton and Michael didn't plan to polish shoes and dance around. They knew Luke started suspecting Calum. And who the heck is Sally Woodenspoon?

"Don't worry, Dawn will forgive you. Girls just do that, c'mon... who would like to get touched on their no-no parts?" i gave out a toothy grin. He smiles back weakly.

"Maybe, i hope so." he smiles once more, "By the way Tina... why are you talking to me? I mean, i thought you would hate me after i have been an ass." yes i do, in fact i would like to run you over with a goddamn 30-wheeler truck.

And what the hey, i should be doing the revenge plan right? I should be seducing him so Dawn would 'accidentally' see this and then she would never forgive Luke!

But then i would be some slutty bestfriend who was so desperate and raped Luke. I mean, i couldn't go that far to rape Luke. Why would i anyway?

"Well, i've decided i'm team Duke af," i lied while secretly throwing up inside.

"Really? Duke?" he laughs at the ship name i have for them.

Yes Duke sucks, Lukina sounds more unique and 101% better!

Why am i so desperate?

"Well, if you prefer Lawn. Or Lukawn, maybe Dalu." indeed in every way, their ship name sucks.

"Our ship name sucks, just stick with Dawn and Luke." he laughed, his dimples showing.

I tried my best not to stare at him, i made him laugh for the first time. And he laughed not because he saw me miserable, but because i was joking around in purpose. Joking around about their suckish ship name. LOL.

"Were you about to give her that?" i asked him when i saw the box he had in his hand. He smiled while looking at the half-heart necklace.

"Yeah, and ask her to be my girlfriend. But then, all that happened." he sighed.

We're like always sighing this day. Must be epidemic.

"I'm proud to see you truly inlove Luke. I never thought a dick like you would get some fine girl like Dawn," i smiled while scanning his face. The emotions of both sadness and calm were evident on his face. And i just had to stare at the dimples that showed up along with a sincere smile.

I wish someday, i would be the reason why Luke smiles.

I'm so cheesy, that i guess anyone hearing me would gag and punch me.

"Christina," i had goosebumps when he called me by my full name again. The last time he called me by my full name, he rejected my affection.

"Luke Robert," i mocked him. He looked intently at me. I'm feeling something rumbling in my stomach, which i'm sure i wasn't hungry because i had more than 10 bread rolls back in the restaurant.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not being able to feel the way you do. One thing for sure is, i don't want us to be enemies now. I appreciate you helped me secretly before, and you're helping us now. I'm sorry," he said in an earnest tone.

I felt some shocks running in my spine, he's crying again. Why is he crying?

I tried my best to not blush and panic, i went close him and wiped away his tears. "Hush, it's okay. I understand you. Don't cry now, you're such a baby dude." i laughed to shake away the tense.

He sniffed and laid his head on my shoulder. Right then and there, my heart just stopped.

"Can we be friends Tina? I want to be your friend, i hate it when we fight. Because of you i had this bully image i bear with me." so it's my fault now? Way to go to ruin the mood, Luke.

"Sure. We're... friends." i blushed at the thought of us being friends. We're friends. Friends.

We were silent for a moment there, just sitting by the sidewalk while eyeing the stars above. I would take the chance to stroke his broad back again, and maybe smell his hair. His hair smells better than mine. It's a hard time for me too, to feel his breath against my neck.

Oh my God, what if he is a vampire? He'll suck my blood! He'll kill me! Maybe he read my mind and knew we were the ones who ruined his date! HE WILL KILL ME!!!

I should seriously stop drinking Red Bull from now on.

"If i should've known earlier, it wouldn't be hard to love you." he suddenly spoke to break the silence.


BAM! I just killed you with the feels didn't i? Oh c'mon tell me i did! Nah im just kidding bruhhs.

And asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa... i just got 3k?! Are you goddamn kidding me? I LOVE YOU PEOPLE LIKE AF. On the other note though, hahaha don't forget to vote and comment! Seriously.

The comment box is so lonely, you can say shit to me. Maybe be like: "fuk u dis is da worst u betcch fuk u"

Oh my god, who will do that? Probably my subconscious lol.

So - fan, vote and comment! Please read my other fic too, Faking Destiny. You don't have to be a Directioner to read this, like cmon guys!!!11!1!11!!1!!1!

dedicated to @ bc she said this was amazing (like her ;D )

okay peace out mofos xx

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora