25: "Bad Boy"

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[Tina's POV]

It's the next day from the heartbreak I got. To tell you Jake never stopped bugging me why I was crying and watched dramatic movies on Netflix while gobbling crushed Oreos. So there I told him, and I was even surprised he didn't laugh at me but instead rested my head onto his chest while brushing my hair. He comforted me. My asshole brother comforted me, even though it didn't take all the pain away.

As soon as Luke and Dawn went in the library, I decided to sneak out. Like I actually crawled my way out of the library just so they can't see my eyes bloodshot red from crying.

Calum told me Luke just introduced Dawn as his girlfriend to them. They said they tried to be nice but they end up snapping at the couple and walked out of the library.

So here I am, tying up the rope around my neck and ready to jump off-

I'M JUST KIDDING. Luke's not some holy figure or the most valuable person ever that's worth dying for.

But if he loved me, I'd catch a bullet for him, or even get hit by a train and then thrown to the Amazon forest filled with hungry leopards. But he has Dawn to do it so fuck them.

I sighed dramatically for the 123rd time this day, taking the Geometry book from my locker and placing the books I used from the previous class back neatly in it. Then I noticed my books were missing.

"What the heck," I mumbled and stared at my now empty locker.

All of my favorite books and books from my subjects were gone. Don't tell me somebody robbed me?!

I looked around to see if somebody suspicious was walking around. But I found myself alone in the hallway. I was too blinded with tears that I didn't notice nobody was in here right after History class.

I closed my locker and walked to the room where Geometry is supposed to start in 5 minutes, but I found nobody. My eyebrows furrowed as I continue to wander my eyes and walk around the silent school.

My eyes darted over a familiar book, it was my Sea of Monsters book!

I ran towards it and picked it up, why did somebody leave this on the floor?

Just a few inches away from the Sea of Monsters book, I spotted my Algebra book. Then farther away was the Mockingjay, then the almanac. All the books were mine, and they were leading some kind of trail.

I pushed away the suspicion and picked up the books as I follow the track, leading me to the car park.

There stood all of the students, they were surrounding a pile of- my books!

"Hello, whore." a familiar annoying voice alerts me. Brenda walks around the pile of books and smirks at me.

"Stop talking to the mirror, Brenda." I shot back with a confident grin. The students were buzzing around and whispering to each other. I haven't found Calum and the gang, even Kirby.

"You have the courage to use your sarcasm ey? Well too bad you're not walking away without a fight!" Brenda claps her hand, then a group of guys pour something over the pile of my books. The familiar scent got my eyes wide, they were pouring gasoline over my books!

"What the heck Brenda! What's your problem?! Give me back my books!" I yelled at her, about to punch her in the face but a guy stops me.

"Awww, your nerd essentials? Sorry, but you need to say goodbye to it." Brenda gives an evil grin before fishing out a lighter from her pocket.

"Brenda, fuck! I'm warning you! Don't burn my books!" I yelled, trying to break free from the hands of the guy who was actually Zachary.

"Oh I won't burn your books nerd, he will." she glares at me and hands the lighter to someone standing behind the pile. He walks around and reveals himself, my jaw-dropping and even my heart breaking when I knew who he was.

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora