34: "Couple Act"

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[Luke's POV]

Lunch time. I wait for her to get out of her Geometry class. I had previously sneaked out my Art class with Michael to get to stand here in 15 minutes.

Here I am going to associate with her after being an ass. I'm so bipolar, I always irritate her and be friendly at some time. I make her cry, and now here I am waiting for her in lunch even though I wanted to stay away from her.

How could I shake off this infatuation if this fucking Couple Act has to be done?

Wait... did I just say infatu-

I didn't say anything. Right?

I shake my head and shudder my shoulders. Think about different thoughts Luke. Think about... penguins.

Aren't penguins so cute? They wobble around and walk so cutely. And their beaks are so tiny! How cute is that? They carry baby penguins with them too, those baby penguins with black and white feather. They're so irresistibly cute, especially when they make noises and tap their feet.

"Tina!" Kirby's voice snaps me away from my thoughts.

I look around only to see the students already piling out of the room. Kirby searches around, like I did. And I'm sure we're both looking for the same person.

"Where is she?" I asked him directly, my voice monotonous.

"She stormed out of the classroom as soon as... he saw you. Kinda." he scratches his arm and looks away.

I sigh and placed my hands in my pocket. "She hates me." I say and laughed shakily.

"If I'm being honest, of course she does. So much. I mean, you stole her clothes and pour your lunch to her and all, also break her heart you douche. And she told you off and she slapped you. Duh." Kirby shot a glare at me.

I smile, my lips curving fakely. "Do you like... her?"

He smiles briefly before opening his mouth to answer. "Yeah, I like her as afr-"

"WHAT'S UP brethren!" Michael's voice booms through the whole hallway.

Mikey, Calum, and Ash ran through the corridor while flailing their arms playfully. They didn't mind the other students they bumped and wrapped me around tight manly hugs when they reach to me.

"We missed your saggy ass Luke!" Ashton says.

I raise one brow up, "Saggy?" I asked and looked at my behind.

"Yeah it kinda is," Calum comments and poked my ass teasingly. "Anyways, Tina's at the garden. Youknowwhattodo," Calum teases and says his last sentence almost in one breath.

I faintly nodded my head as Ashton brought me back to the floor. "Where are your dates?"

"She's waiting for me at her Grandma's house. Can you believe it? Ugh." Ashton groans and hugs the wall infront of him. I chuckled at the sight and patted his back.

"I'm picking her up from her History class." Calum rolled his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Well dang flabbit, he's right beside you." Michael says with clear disgust written on his face.

Kirby and Michael both exchanged glares. My mind flashes back to Kirby's answer to my question.

'Do you like... her?'

'Yeah, I like her as afr-'

He likes her. I knew it. And I bet Tina likes him too. Look at him, even if he's a wimp he was once the school's prince charming. Unfortunately until now.

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