48: "Dawn Knows"

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: itsxtiana_

[Tina's POV]

"It's a good thing I didn't dance with him. Darn, you should've seen how Dawn watches him like a preying mama eagle." I told Kirby in a hushed voice, making him stop dancing.

"Did you just call Dawn a praying mama eagle? Or did you mean prey as in the victim of predators? Either way, creepy." Kirby chuckles, gaining him a punch on his arm from me.

I watch as Luke and Dawn danced to the slow beat of the music right across from us. I was right, Luke's eyes were pinned at me. Dawn's head was leaned against his chest so she doesn't see Luke's intense stare at me.

I'm greatly confused. Do I really let myself be fooled again? I've been hurt by him many times already, but now this was different. He's more- intent. If that's the right word.

And you like the feel of his lips on yours.

Here I am again with my stupid subconscious. That dude has a freaking girlfriend! If he did want me, he would've told Dawn already.

As if on cue, Luke whispers something at Dawn's ear. Her head suddenly turns to me, and I avert my eyes. But I still saw them in my peripheral vision. I expect Dawn to be wearing a preying expression, like she's about to pounce on me and rip my intestines out, yet she was wearing a mouth-to-ear grin.

"Look, Kirby! Dawn has an evil plan." I whispered at Kirby. He hurriedly whipped his head towards where my line of vision was. He looks at Dawn, then back at me.

"She's smiling like a nun, how come does she have an evil plan?" Kirby asked.

I rolled my eyes. "She's just Ms. Goody Two-shoes outside but I know she's planning how to serve me with a side of enchilada onto a family of Mexican cannibals." I said, horrified at my own thought as I continue to frown at Dawn's direction.

"Your imagination amazes me." Kirby chuckles.

Before I could snap back at him, I see Dawn walking over us. I panicked within and hurriedly ran outside, subconsciously dragging Kirby along with me.

"Hey! Where the heck are we going Tins?" he asked. But I paid him no attention while I continue to run until we exited the room.

A cold breeze of air greets us. We had gone out the other way, not beside the fireplace. We were out on the terrain, and it was beautiful.

An oak tree stood beautifully in the middle, its branches holding a line of lights. Beneath it was a chariot that looked like a normal bench instead of the racing type. I let go of Kirby's hand and let myself wander around the beautiful scenery infront of me.

Momentarily, I forgot about Dawn. It was just me fascinated with the lights. With how the moon looked beautiful in the dark night sky laid with a bed of glittering stars. There was a symphony of music from night critters, and though to some it may be a bother, it was beautiful in such a place like this.

Kirby seemed to understand my fascination and leaves me be as he walks towards the chariot and seats himself. I smile as I continue to admire the place all around me, but weirdly, I suddenly thought of Luke.

If we both were here, what would we do? Would he fight with me? Would he tell me all of this has been a joke again and leave me the broken person I already am?

Or would he take my hand, guide me to the shade under the tree, and we would sway to the beat of the night's symphony? I imagine him, his blue eyes that hold so many secrets and pain, the feel of his incredibly soft hands on mine.

There's no doubt that I still love him. But there's no doubt also that I wouldn't let him simply back into my life after he had destroyed it in the first place. My life wasn't that tragic, but it sure wasn't easy.

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें