19: "First Real Hang-out"

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[Luke's POV]

"Bring out your graphing papers," Tina said as soon as we settled in the library. We sat in our usual table, my stare scaring away the students sitting around us.

"I could tell I wouldn't like what we're about to study." Calum groaned, placing out the pack of graphing papers. He gave us one each, and I took out my pencil from my back pocket.

I knew what Tina was planning to teach us today. Analytic Geometry. And to our surprise, Michael liked this lesson. Even though he hates Trigonometry, which is somehow related to Analytic Geom. He really tends to confuse us with his personality a lot. Well, we definitely got used to it.

"Welcome to Analytic Geometry 101. I brought the measuring set with me, so help yourselves." Tina smiled slyly when she saw the horrified faces of me, Ashton and Calum. I liked Math, but to tell you I can never make a straight line. Even with a ruler. So I totally suck at Analytic Geom.

Michael took the 45-degree angled ruler, setting it down on his paper. Tina distributed test sheets. She usually starts the lesson with a pre-test in order to compare the results with the post-test.

"Damn what the hell is a skew plane? Is this skew or stew?" Ashton scratched his head while reading the paper. Tina laughed, the ends of my mouth pulling into a smile.

"It's skew Ash," Tina and I said in chorus. Calum and Michael couldn't help but smirk at us. I'm sure they aren't still over with the Lukina thing.

Ashton just shook his head and continued on answering. I started sketching on my graphing paper too, scanning the test sheet.

After a few minutes, I finished the test first. Then Michael, followed by Calum, and Ashton lastly. Tina checked the papers quick with a red ballpen. For the first time I felt excited to know if either I scored high or at least passed.

Tina looked shock at the results, but with a smile on her lips. "Wow, congratulations Michael! You officially got 29 out of 30 now! Well done!" she said giddily to Michael, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you!" Michael proudly smiles and raised his right hand up, turning around the crowd of students. The 4 of us were the only ones clapping for him yet he managed to do a little curtsy.

"Calum, you impressively passed! 26 out of 30!" she tells Calum too. We applauded again for him, he waved his hand around like he was running for President or something.

"I got a pint of Einstein, y'know." he proudly said.

"And Ashton, despite you clearly had a hard time.... you've got 24 out of 30!" right after she said his score, Ashton stood up from his seat, taking off his plaid long sleeves and left him on his white top. He waved it around like he just goaled a kick. We again clapped for him.

"What about mine?" I suddenly interrupted. I just noticed the scores she was saying was decreasing, so I assumed that I had the lowest score.

"Well, you've got a perfect score!" she exclaimed. The guys huddled all around me.

I grinned widely as the guys carry me around. It's funny that we react like this even if this is just a pre-test made by our tutor that was also our classmate. Well she's smarter than us though, i bet Analytic Geom seems like 1 plus 1 to her.

"We never knew you were smart bro," Michael fake sobs and hugged me.

"It's quite shocking," Ashton wrapped his manly arms around me too. He's a fan of gyms, you know.

"Praise the Lord o' Penguins!" Calum raised both his hands up and waved it around. Three of them dance around me like doing some kind of ritual. I couldn't help but laugh so loud and same did Tina. Michael forced her to dance along with us and so she did.

Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora