1. Let Me Introduce You

Start from the beginning

"You look gorgeous by the way!" She said looking me up and down. It was nothing special. I had on black skinny jeans, with black zip up high heel booties. I wore a simple purple print t-shirt and a leather jacket.  Really nothing special.

I was about to reply but someone cut in. 

"Doesn't she just."

I looked up to see the one person I dreaded. "Your sarcasm isn't appreciated."

He laughed. "Awh, you've actually learned to detect sarcasm over this summer."

Harsh. "Move on Kyle."

He turned to me, his eyes darkened looking straight into mine. "Don't you little useless thing ever tell me what to do."

"Whatever." I scoffed hiding my fright. What are you doing? I turned on my heels and was about to walk away when a hand grasped my arm. 

"Don't talk to me like that."

"Why not Kyle?"

Shut up Hannah!

"Because you know I can make your life hell." He smirked.

"You already do." I spat yanking my arm away and walking off. 

I heard Layna's footsteps behind me. "That was risky."

"I know." I sighed. "But I have enough of it! I don't deserve this shit! "

"At least it's the last year." Lay tried cheering me up.

"Great." I huffed.

Who was that? You may ask. That was Kyle. Kyle Richards. The most popular guy and the biggest asshole I knew. A Bad Boy.  That's what he is. A player. A complete and utter self-centred dick head.

He was the type of guy that every girl dreamed about and drooled over during school hours when they had the chance to watch him. I mean, I'm not surprised, he was fucking hot, with his tanned skin, dirty blonde hair, and piercing blue green eyes. He always wore tight jeans and a t-shirt that clung to his chest perfectly in all the correct places. His signature smirk acted as an accessory.

But I wasn't interested.  No, I hated him. 

You see, me and Kyle were never the bestest of friends. We used to be acquaintances, you know, the kind that would sit next to each other in lessons and occasionally say 'hi' to one another while passing in the corridor. During the second year of high school, I dated one of Kyle's ex disciples. Derek. Everything was fine, I got pretty close to Kyle, friend wise, due to them being best mates and all, but one day Kyle came into school and as I got my food in the lunch hall and was walking to my seat I tripped up. Kyle stood there looking at me and laughed.  Not a friendly teasing laugh. No, a cold hearted evil laugh that didn't make sense at all. I knew something was wrong.  After that I watched him carefully trying to figure out what was going on. I noticed him and Derek never talked. They acted like strangers around each other and occasionally shot each other death worthy glares. Before I knew it, Derek and I were broken up and I became Kyle's number one target and trust me, he was very good at aiming.

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