"That was horrible!" Seokjin coughs, leaning over and resting his hand on Jungkook's knee. "And stop laughing!"

"I've had to do this so many times before, though," the teenager complains. "Let me gloat just this once." 

"Fine," Seokjin mutters, glancing up at Jungkook. "But only because it's you."

Jungkook is much too flustered to ask what he means by that.

"So I have to finish this, right?" Seokjin asks, staring at the plastic bottle with contempt. "All of it?"

"Um— Yeah."

They spend the next twenty minutes there as Seokjin struggles to finish the juice. He finally completes it, however, slamming the empty container on the ground triumphantly. "Done."

"Good job," Jungkook laughs, standing up and looking outside. "The rain's gone. We can go outside now."

"Oh, thank god," Seokjin mutters, stretching his legs and coming to a standing position. "Let's go."

As they exit the small shop, carefully avoiding the large puddle right in front the door, Seokjin manages to slip his hand into Jungkook's again.

R.I.P. Jeon Jungkook.

As Seokjin's thumb runs over Jungkook's knuckle for what seems like the fiftieth time, the teenager's stomach growls loudly and Seokjin looks over, amused. "You hungry?"

"I guess," Jungkook answers, slightly embarrassed. He wraps his free hand around his torso to try and quiet it, but his stomach just emits another loud noise and Jungkook flushes pink. Seokjin coos at him and gives his hand a quick squeeze before suggesting the restaurant just ahead. Jungkook readily agrees, not caring where or what they eat as long as he eats food.

Once inside, they grab a table in the corner and place their orders, playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who pays. They end up deciding to split the bill in the end, because both refuse to not pay. After ravenously devouring their meals with little chatter, they split the bill, as planned, and exit the restaurant.

Seokjin's arm is around Jungkook's shoulder now.

"It's dark," Jungkook says quietly, subconsciously leaning into the elder. "And colder," he adds as goosebumps appear on his arms.

"Well, I can't be chivalrous and offer you my jacket," Seokjin jokes, "because I don't have one. But does this help?" He tugs Jungkook a little closer, keeping a firm grip on the boy's shoulder. "Any warmer?"

"A bit," Jungkook murmurs, hoping the dark masks his blush. "Thanks."

"My pleasure."

They are walking a few minutes later when Jungkook's foot hits a soft body. With a gasp, he starts apologizing profusely, terrified that he hurt that the person, until Seokjin interrupts with "Jungkook, that's just trash."

Jungkook furiously turns his head to stare at the elder male. "That is an extremely rude thing to say, hyung!"

"No," Seokjin begins, pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight, "it's literally just a bag of trash."

Heat rushes to Jungkook's face. "Oh."

"You're so cute, Jungkookie," Seokjin says softly, and the boy can't help but redden further when Seokjin's warm breath hits his face.

Soon enough, they arrive in front of Jungkook's apartment complex. "See you later, I guess," Jungkook says shyly, staring at his feet. His heart jumps up into his throat when he sees Seokjin's feet shuffle a little closer, and his head snaps up.

And then Seokjin kisses him.

On his forehead.

"W-What..." Jungkook begins, thoroughly flustered and unable to form coherent thoughts.

Seokjin just shrugs. "I felt like it. I mean, don't freak out or anything—" He grins and pinches Jungkook's cheek. "—it's just for fun. Yeah?"

"Um— Y-Yeah," Jungkook stammers, still trying to process what just happened. "So— I'll be going now— See you later?"

"Yeah, see you," Seokjin smiles and ruffles Jungkook's hair one more time before turning and walking in the opposite direction.

Jungkook just stares at Seokjin's retreating figure for almost a full minute before it hits him.

Seokjin hyung just kissed me, what the fuck.


A/N: idk the beginning was kinda shit but I think the ending is pretty good??? (and I didn't proofread so don't kill me for any mistakes)
pls comment and vote, thank you!

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