Chapter 19

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One month later...

Tonight is Game 7 of the NHL Stanley Cup Final. Blackhawks vs. Penguins. The Hawks had a home ice advantage. Jonathan was very stressed out and kind of angry.

"Good morning babe." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Not now. I have a game to prep for." He said pushing of my hands.

"Jeez." I say rolling my eyes. I can tell he was annoyed at me when he took a deep breath and walked to the front porch.

When it was time to leave for the game we loaded the kids into the car and drove off to the United Center. I drove while Jonathan had his earbuds in. If the Hawks don't win tonight Jonathan will be pissed.

All the families were in the locker room talking to the players. Jonathan was actually talking to people and he seemed a little more relaxed. Game time came quickly and the boys were already on the ice. First and second period flew by. The score was 3-2 Penguins with 4:42 left in the game. We were getting nervous since there was no scoring chances for the Hawks. A face off was about to happen in the Penguins zone. Shaw won it and quickly passed to Kane. Kane passed to Seabrook. Brent did a powerful slapshot that went straight into the net. Chelsea Dagger started playing and the fans were all on their feet. It was tied game with 4:30 left. Nothing happened for a few minutes. Only 23 seconds left in the game. Jonathan had a breakaway and raced toward the net. He took a shot at goal and scored! We were all screaming and I had the biggest smile on my face. Jackson was running around cause he knew what just happened. With ten seconds left the fans started counting down. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...

Fans were cheering, us ladies smiling and clapping, kids were running around, the madhouse was insane. The boys threw their gloves off and were in a big huddle near Crawford. After everyone settled down it was time for the Stanley Cup presentation. The man walked out with the cup in his hands. A little speech was given then it was time. Jonathan shook the mans hand and grabbed the cup. He hoisted it above his head and skated around. I took a whole bunch of photos. I was so proud and was so happy. He passed the cup on to the next person and started to talk to other players. After each player held the cup, the families came onto the ice. I carried Brooklyn who was sleeping while Jackson walked.

"Babe I am so proud of you!" I said giving Jonathan a kiss.

"Thank you. I love you." He said back, giving me a hug.

"Daddy!" Jackson yells running into Jonathan's arms.

"Hey buddy. Did you watch the game?" He asked Jackson.

"Yeah! Nice goal!" Jack said giving Jonathan a thumbs up.

"Thanks. I got to go but I will see you later." He said giving Jackson and I
a kiss and hug. He walked away with the team.

"Time to go home. It's late." I say to Jack.

"No I want to stay here." Jackson said crossing his arms.

"Look everyone is leaving." I say pointing at the guys walking to the locker room.

"Okay." He said resting his head on my shoulder.

On the drive home Jackson fell asleep. Today has been a long day. I was tired too but I told Jonathan that I would go out and celebrate. I called my mom to watch the kids while I went out.

The bars in Chicago were packed with fans. I pushed through the people and found my way to Jonathan. I could tell that he was already drunk.

"Hey babe." Jonathan said slurring his words.

"Hey." I said looking around.

"Wanna drink?" He asks.

"I can get it. But thanks." I said walking towards the bartender.

After I get my drink I go back over to Jonathan. He is dancing and partying with the Stanley Cup. The guys fill it with beer and drink out of it which was pretty funny. The party ended around 3am when everyone started to get tired and leave.

Jonathan and I took a taxi to be safe. We stayed at a hotel so Jonathan wouldn't be loopy around the kids or my mom. I walked him to our room carefully. He fell asleep right away. I got into my pajamas and slipped under the covers. I fell asleep right as my head hit my pillow.

The next morning...

"Ugh my head hurts." Jonathan said with his head in his hands.

"Its okay. I brought medicine." I said walking towards the bathroom.

"You are a life saver." Jonathan said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We have to go back home and get ready for the parade!" I said looking at the clock on my phone.

When we get back home Jackson is sitting on the couch watching Paw Patrol while my mom eats breakfast.

"Hey mom! How did it go?" I ask giving her a hug.

"Great. Brooklyn did fine and so did Jack." She said with a smile.

"Thank you so much." Jonathan said giving her a hug.

"Oh you're welcome. So happy that I got to spend time with my grandkids." She said.

After my mom left it was time to get ready. I put on my 'Toews' jersey and some denim skinny jeans. Brooklyn was in a Blackhawks shirt with black leggings and a little red bow in her hair.

Jonathan got Jackson ready so I was kinda nervous about what he would come out in. He came out in the same outfit as Jonathan. 'Toews' jersey, Khaki colored shorts and a Blackhawks hat which was backwards.

"Oh my gosh so adorable." I said taking a picture.

The parade was a lot of fun. The fans and players definitely enjoyed it. We have a fun Summer planned and its only getting started. My life with Jonathan is also just getting started.

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