Chapter 12

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I wake up to Jack shaking me. I look over at my clock and see its 11am. Whoops I slept in to late.

"Daddy I'm hungry." He said shaking me.

"Okay, lets go make breakfast." I say rolling out of bed.

"Yay!" He said running out of the room.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask him walking into the kitchen.

"Pancakes!" He yells.

"Okay. Wanna help me make them?" I asked him.

"No thanks. I am going to play with my toys." He said politely.

"Okay then." I said.

We eat the pancakes and Jackson has syrup all over his face.

Tonight I have a game tonight so Jack has to come. Chaunette said she could watch him during the game. Tonight is the first game of the playoffs and I am sad that Brielle isn't here. Our first series is against the Dallas Stars. I was really nervous.

After breakfast I got Jackson changed into a mini 'Toews' jersey and a pair of jeans. I helped him put on his black vans and then we were out the door.

1 hour later...

I dropped Jack off with Chaunette and headed to the locker room. When I walked in Patrick was jamming out to some Taylor Swift. He loves her music. I get my pads on, jersey and tie my skates. I walk out to the ice when they call my name and fans start screaming. Warms ups go by quickly and its time for the game.

The puck drops at center ice and I win the faceoff. Shaw gets the puck and passes to Hossa. Hossa skates down the ice towards the net but Jamie Benn steals the puck. He skates into the Hawks zone and he shoots. Crawford makes a great save and everyone is cheering. First period goes by without a score and the second period comes quickly. We are back on the ice ready for second period. The puck drops and Dallas wins the faceoff. Jamie Benn passes to Tyler Seguin. Seguin passes to former Blackhawk Patrick Sharp. Sharp passes back to Jamie and he skates quickly towards the net. He
shoots top shelf and scores. I sigh in frustration and skate to the bench for water. Shaw takes to faceoff and loses. Jordie Benn has the puck and passes to Jamie Oleksiak. They skate to the net but Patrick Kane steals the puck and has a breakaway. He speeds to the net and scores! Chelsea Dagger starts playing along with the buzzer. The fans are on their feet cheering.

The Blackhawks won that game 3-2. The series was 1-0 Hawks. When we got home it was late and Jackson fell asleep in the car. I carried him in and didn't bother changing him. I give him a kiss and close the door. I head downstairs into the living room and clean up since Brielle is coming back tomorrow. I can't wait to see her.

The next morning I wake up early and grab Jackson. We are going to pick up Brielle from the airport. I buckle Jackson in carefully so I don't wake him. I drive to the airport carefully. I can't get in another car crash. We pull up into the pick up circle. Jack wakes up when he hears Brielle's voice.

"Mommy?" He questions.

"I'm here baby." She said giving him a kiss.

"I missed you." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Me too." I say winking at her. She giggles.

We drive home and today we are taking a lazy day. Since Jackson is full of energy, Patrick is taking him for the day. It's just Brielle and I.

Brielle POV

I can't stop thinking about it. How will Jonathan react? He would be happy right. My friend Ellie said I should tell him.

"Jonathan?" I ask, getting his attention.

"Yeah babe?" He looks at me with a smile.

"I'm pregnant." I say looking down at the floor. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"How? What happened." He asked concerned.

"I remember before I left, when Jackson was with your parents, it happened." I say feeling kinda awkward.

"Oh yeah. Well thats great!" He said with a small smile.

"You're happy?" I ask confused.

"Yeah! I want another baby." He said grabbing my hand.

"Okay then great." I say with mixed emotions.

"Brielle, be happy about this." He said smiling.

"I am." I said smiling back. I feel better about this baby now.

"Jackson is going to be a big brother!" He said smiling.

"I know!" I say lightly squeezing his hand.

After our talk we turn on the TV and we watch a movie. I snuggle into Jonathan's chest and I feel is warm arms around me. I end up falling asleep.

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