Chapter 11

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2 years later...

Not much has happened in the past 2 years of Jack's life. Jonathan was still playing hockey and Jackson was taking an interest in sports which was awesome. The year Jack was born the Hawks unfortunately lost in the final of the Stanley Cup playoffs. This year the boys had a good chance. Jackson was much more talkative and was much more fun. Patrick and Jonathan loved playing hockey with him. The best part was that Jonathan and I are married.

We got married on April 6, 2014. It was amazing. We have been married for 2 years and our anniversary was coming up.

"Dinner time!" I yell outside. The boys were playing street hockey. It was the cutest thing.

"Coming!" Jackson yells running inside.

"Wash your hands you messy boys." I say smiling.

Every night we have a family meal and then do something fun together after dinner. Tonight we were going to watch 'Cars' after dinner.

During the movie Jackson fell asleep on Jonathan's lap. I picked him up and carried him to his room. I tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead. I walked downstairs and found Jonathan not there. I walked into our room and found him laying on top of the covers. I can tell he was tired.

The next morning I had to fly out to Dallas, Texas cause one of my best college friends was having a baby shower. Jonathan was watching Jack for the weekend.

"Mommy don't go!" Jack gives me a tight hug.

"I will be back soon." I say giving him a kiss.

"You promise?" Jack asked me with a serious look.

"Yes. You're going to have fun with daddy. You can play hockey." I said as his face lit up.

"Okay!" He said smiling.

"Bye, I love you." I say kissing Jonathan.

"Bye. I love you. See you soon." He said hugging me with Jack in his arms.

My taxi pulls up and I am off the airport.

Jonathan's POV

"Ready to have some fun buddy?" I ask Jackson.

"Yeah! Hockey time!" He said jumping out of my arms.

He runs outside and grabs 2 sticks and a ball out of the garage. He has gotten really good. We have to work on the skating part. Patrick shows up and its Jack vs. Patrick and I. He loves playing against us. It starts raining so I tell Jack to come inside. He chooses to stay outside and jump in the puddles.

Patrick and I are inside having a beer when we hear a crash. I run to the door and look out the window. I see Jack on the ground crying. Then I notice blood coming from his forehead. Patrick grabs a paper towel and we run outside. I pick up Jackson and place the paper towel over his cut.

"What happened buddy?" I ask holding him.

"I-I slipped and h-hit my head on the h-hockey stick." He said crying harder.

"Okay, lets go to the hospital." I tell him and Patrick.

Of course the day Brielle leaves, Jackson gets hurt.

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