24:Salty cheeks

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Ari's pov:

My face was hot and tears flew into the wind as I ran to River's house. The blur of the car lights and the muffled voices from the street. The whole world was shut out to me. I finally arrived at River's. I softly knocked at the front door. A girl with curly brown hair, maybe about a year younger than me answered the door.

"Hi..are you okay?" She asked me concerned.

"Is River home?" My breath was all over the place.

"Yeah. One second." She looked worried. "River! Someone is here to see you!" She yelled up the staircase.

"I'm Rain by the way." She told me sternly.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Ariel." I sniffled. River walked down the stairs not meeting eyes with me yet. He looked up and he quickly frowned and walked faster. He stepped outside and put his arm around me. Rain watched.

"Thank you Rain." He told her motioning for her to walk away.
"My gosh, what's wrong?" He asked me. I couldn't say anything, I was drowning in my tears. "Come on." He said holding me while walking in doors and up the stairs to his room. He sat me on his bed and I cuddled into his sheets. He laid next to me looking into my eyes. "Tell me what happened." He said.

"Wil...." I caught my breath. "He lied and said he was with his grandparents but he was with this girl at the Rollerskating rank and...and they kissed..." I sobbed.

"My god." River sighed and rubbed my back.

"I should of never talked to him the first day of school. I shouldn't of been here. I shouldn't of dropped my stuff. Then he wouldn't of talked to me." I put my hands over my face.

"Ari..don't say that.." He put his hand on my head and pulled me into his chest and I damped his skin with tears.

"I don't think I can trust him again." I said. "I love him so much but he isn't someone I can trust anymore." I closed my eyes.

"I'm sure you'll work things out Ari, and if not, I'm here for you." He said in a soothing, calm tone.

"Thank you River.." I said and looked up at him from his chest. He gave a shy smile and his eyes became droopy. I leaned in for a kiss, but River quickly pulled away.

"Do you really want to do that? Or are you just trying to get back at Wil?" River asked. He did have a point.

"Sorry." I buried my head back into his chest. "That's true. I'm sorry" I repeated.

Wil's pov:

My heart was beating terribly fast and I looked around for Ari nervously outside the rolling rink for her. She was no where to be found. I ran home.

I quickly got home and went straight to my room. I picked up the telephone and dialed her number. "Please pickup, please pickup." I whispered. There was no answer and it went to voice mail. "Ugh" I groaned. I walked out to my garage and grabbed my bike and decided to see if Ariel was home. I biked to her house. Her light wasn't on. And when she's home, she's always in her room, because she told me. I was sad and felt so bad for Ariel. And I needed someone to talk to so I biked to River's. I'm sure he'll cheer me up.

I arrived at River's and knocked this time because his family is home. Rain answered the door.

"Hey Rain. Is River here?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She smiled and turned around to the stairs."Rio!! Another friend is here to see you!" She yelled. "Come in." Rain told me. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Jonaquin was reading a book and he peered up to see me.

"Hi Wil!" He cheered.

"Hello." I smiled at him wondering what was taking River so long.

Ari's pov:

"Shoot. That's Wil." River said.

"No. I don't want to talk to him." I whined.

"I know." River said. He peered around his room and his eyes stopped at his window. He opened it. "Here, leave through this way. I'll talk to you later okay?" He said helping me climb out of the window.

"Ok. Thank you. Bye." I told him and left; my heart still sinking.
A/N: sorry I haven't updated in forever. Hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment! I'm thinking of ending this story soon but don't worry I just started a River fanfiction, check it out(: Thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️

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