4: You're acting strange..

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Narrator's pov:
~The Next Day~
Wil scurried out of his 2nd period class, to River's locker. River was putting some books in his locker and also removing some.

"so...I met this girl" Wil smiled.

"Ahhhh nice man" River said giving Wil that weird handshake that boys do. "What's her name? What does she look like?" River asked Wil.

"Her name is Ariel- Well, Ari. A-and she has long brown hair with huge green eyes that I could stare into all day and-"

"Okay man, I get it." River said laughing and cutting him off.

"Anyways..I'm just a little awkward. You usually get lots of girls..do you have any tips for me?" Wil asked.

"Yeah...have lots and lots of confidence. Use your fame!!" River said jokingly but Wil believed him.

"Really? Ok thanks! " Wil ran off and walked to his 3rd period with Ariel.
Wil walked fast into the classroom, with a really up beat walk.

"Hey baby, you're coming to my place after school alright?" He said cocky, which wasn't like him AT ALL. But I just shrugged it off.

"Uhm. Okay." I said back.

"Cool, I'll meet you in lower B hall after 6th period and we'll walk to my house." He smirked.

I raised my eyebrow. "Alright" I mean I was freaking out because Wil Wheaton invited me over but, why was he acting so...weird?

He grabbed a chair and flipped it around then sat on it. I gave him a puzzled look and didn't talk to him for the whole hour, and he didn't even try talking to me either. Which also wasn't like him..

The day went by very slowly. The bell to dismiss the school day rang and my heart was beating hard. I walked to lower B hall and there was Wil, slouching against the wall. He saw my face through the crowded hallway and quickly adjusted in a position where he was leaning on one on his arms against the wall. I slowly made my way through the jumble of kids and made it to Wil.

"Kay lets go." He told me with deep eyes.
A/N: Hey guys I thought this chapter was a little better than the others. Please comment and vote thank you so much..❤️❤️

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