20:win or loss?

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I listened to River's directions and sat down in a chair and adjusted my position, then I gave my attention to him.
"Okay..so you know how you told Ari you guys needed a break?" River asked me.

"Yeah, but what the hell does this have to do with you holding Ari's hand??" I raised my voice.

"I haven't gotten there yet.." River said in a calm voice. Making me feel bad for yelling at him. "Well you hurt her by saying that. Like terribly. She could hardly make it through the day." River told me.

"What? She said she was fine!" My heart sunk.

"She lied!" River yelled. "I had to comfort her..so that's why I was holding her hand and hanging out with her. But I do enjoy spending time with her."

"I can't believe this." I closed my eyes.

"That's not the worse part..." River frowned.

"What? What is it?" I questioned.

"Well I also kind of have feelings for her. And I was hanging out with her yesterday after school..I couldn't help myself. I just kissed her. I felt so bad. I'm sorry" River looked down.

"What??!" I stood up.


"Don't ever come near her again! She's mine. I thought we were friends River!" I clenched my jaw and stepped closer to him. River raised his arms, blocking me. I stomped my foot and punched the air. "What the f*ck!" I yelled once more and then walked straight out the door. I hopped on my bike and headed to Ari's.
The person I trusted the most, betrayed me. My best friend. Why would he do that??! I was so close to punching him in the nose. I arrived at Ari's and started to climb her tree. There were tears in my eyes from thinking of the pain I put her through. I reached her window and knocked hard; I was so anxious to see her, to hold her, to kiss her. She looked up from her book and walked over to open the window. She looked beautiful, like always. But right now, I cherished her beauty more than ever.

"Wil? What are you doing here?" She asked. And I listened and looked closely, I could tell she wasn't okay. Why didn't I ever notice before? I didn't answer her and just jumped in.

"Baby..." My voice shook and I grabbed her In a huge hug. "I'm so sorry." I cupped her face and a tear started to drop from her cheek. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurting? dammit!" I yelled and roughly pressed my lips to hers passionately. Moving my hands up and down her. Our lips unlocked and she finally spoke.

"I-I don't know." She cried into my chest.

"It's okay. I'm here now, and I won't hurt you." I rubbed her back.

"And Wil?" She said in a soft voice. I nodded my head. "I...love you." She looked deep into my eyes. I slowly smiled.

"I love you too." I kissed her again, but this time more softly.
After I dried my tears and Wil calmed down, we talked.

"So did River talk to you about you know..the kiss?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I left him. Why would I want a friend who tries to steal my baby girl?" He crinkled his nose. I couldn't help but laugh because he called me baby girl, but River wasn't trying to steal me.

"Wil..River didn't mean to kiss me." I told him in a stern voice.

"Yes he did! You're beautiful and he wants you. Who wouldn't?" He replied.

"Thank you Wil, but River isn't like that. He's a good person. And a great friend. I wouldn't want to loose someone like River. People like him are rare." I told him. Wil went deep into thought and frowned.

"I guess you're right. Shit." He put his hands over his face.

"Go and get your best friend back." I smiled.
A/N: I hope you all liked this chapter! Comment and vote for more! ❤️❤️❤️

ConfusedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora