19: Holding hands

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The bell to end 6th hour rang. I packed up my things and headed out the classroom. I was walking through the hallways to go outside to the busses when I saw Ariel talking to River by his locker. I was surprised. I didn't know Ariel and River talked. I then saw River grab Ari's hand and walk off with her. Jealously burned in my heart.
River held my hand and we started to walk home. His house wasn't too far away...maybe around 5 minutes. And the walk wasn't awkward at all, River can always keep conversations going and has some really good jokes unlike Wil. We arrived at River's house. It was pretty big and surrounded by lots of trees. We both walked up his driveway.

"Set your stuff down here." He pointed to the pavement. I was confused, we both put our backpacks and books down. He grabbed my arm and ran to his backyard. His backyard was a forest and it was beautiful. The wet warm earth filled my nose and I could hear a stream trickling.

"Wow this is beautiful." I said to him. He did a cute little nod and pushed up his glasses. The wind brushed his hair lightly and his eyes shined. Then out of the blue, he just kissed me. It was sweet and simple. I liked it. But I have feelings for Wil not River.

"Sorry.." River said looking at my lips. "I-I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." He apologized, his face turned red.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I laughed nervously and kicked a pebble with my foot. I tried to shake off the kiss but it stuck to my mind.

"Ugh..." He moaned putting his hand over his face. "Wil is my best friend and I just kissed his girl that he loves..."

"Wait...Wil loves me?" My eyes widen and my heart beat sped up. I think I loved Wil too. River paused.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Wow I'm such a jerk." He stomped his foot.

"No...it's okay. I thought he hated me. And don't worry, I kind of liked the kiss." I explained. He laughed and ran his hands through his hair. His smile quickly faded and an expression of worry ran across his face. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I have the feeling of guilt for kissing you...with Wil and all. I don't know why I did it..it's just- I don't know." He sighed.

"Just tell him."


"Tell him." I repeated. River heard me the first time he just didn't want to do what I told him to.

"I can't do that! He'll kill me!" River explained as he looked up at a tall tree swaying in the wind.

"Would you rather have the terrible feeling of guilt knowing that they don't know or the relief of telling someone the truth even if it might hurt them?" I asked him.

"True." He began to walk deeper in the forest. I followed him. He stared at his shoes while continuing to walk.

"So..are you going to tell him the news?" I asked curious.

"I guess. I will invite him to my house tomorrow and I'll tell him then." He sighed.

"You can do it River.." I grabbed him in a hug.

I got off the bus and walked home. I couldn't shake off what I saw yesterday. River and Ari holding hands. Made me sick to my stomach. I needed to talk to River. I opened the door and walked to my room and dropped my backpack on the floor. My telephone rang. I walked over and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi it's River"

"Oh, that's funny I actually needed to talk to you." I said with a smart tone.

"Yeah. Me too. Come over?" River asked.

"Sure. Be over in 10 minutes."


I hung up and ran downstairs to the garage. I hopped on my bike and started my route to River's.
I arrived at River's house. I threw my bike down in the grass and walked to his front door. I opened it and walked in. No need to knock; River and I are like brothers.

"Sup" I called through the house scanning for River.

"Hey" River said exiting from the kitchen finishing an apple.

"I need to talk to you." I explained.

"Yeah..I know. I need to tell you something. But hey, you go first." He said looking at his apple wondering if there was some left for him to bite.

"Well..." I hesitated. "I saw you holding hands with Ari yesterday..? What was that for?" I told him trying really hard not to burst. River's expression didn't change.

"Sit." River motioned to a chair in his living room. "I'll explain."
A/N: sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please vote and comment. Thank you ❤️

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