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Our laughter died down and we both stopped and just stared at eachother. Our eyes met and we both knew that was the signal. He leaned in and softly kissed me on the lips. He backed away but I wanted more. So I grabbed his neck, pulled him closer and continued. After about 10 seconds I stopped and held his face to mine.

"That was amazing." Wil said. I laughed. I backed away but didn't break the eye contact.

"So..William..I have a question." I smirked.

"Hm! What is it?" He said acting surprised.

"Are we like more than friends..or?" I asked awkwardly. He blushed.

"I mean...yeah. Do you want to be more than friends?" Because-well I do." He said sincerely.

"Y-yes. I would really like that." I smiled.

"Cool." He laughed. I looked at the clock on Wil's night stand. 7:47 PM

"Oh my mom wants me home by 8, I better get going." I sadly said.

"Aw, ok." He frowned.

"Thanks for helping me with my homework." I thanked him and kissed him on the cheek.


I pushed my way through the crowds in the hallway to try to get to my 3rd hour when I recognized a familiar face. We met eyes and smiled. It was River. River stopped me and talked.

"Hi..you must be Ariel? I'm River." He said shaking my hand.

"Yes that's me." I said.

"Wil told me all about you.." He winked and laughed.

"Oh really?" I laughed with him.

"Yeah and hey, Ariel if you ever need anything, call me." He said sweetly.

"I don't have your number." I told him.

"Oh." He said while pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly scribbled down his digits and handed it to me. I stared down at the paper.

"Thanks River!" I headed to my 3rd hour class.

"See you around!" River ran away.


Screaming and crying pierced my ear. Confused and frightened, I turned around to see Ariel on the floor with her hands over her face. She was the one crying and making all that noise.

"Ari?? What's wrong? Why are you cry-"

"You did this to me. You hurt me. Why would you do this to me??" She screamed. I felt my heart sink and break into millions of pieces.

"W-what did I do?" I teared up.

"You hurt me!!!!" She yelled. Seeing Ari this way made me feel terrible. So hurt.
I awoke in my bed heavily breathing. So it was all a dream? I don't ever ever want to see Ari like that. I don't want to hurt her. I love her. What if I do hurt her one day? I don't want to. I really hope I don't ever hurt her. I could not have that happen.
A/N: please vote and comment (:

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