Chapter 30 "Telling Others"

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3rd Perspective
They arrived at the base with the Ghost crew and Lexi passing by.

"Where were you two?" Lexi spat, her hands on her hips. Liz and Ezra took off their cloaks and smiled at them.

"Alright, what do you have to tell us?" Hera crossed her arms and got closer to Ezra.

"Just because I smiled I have something to say?" Ezra said in a sarcastic tone. He pretended to be shocked.

"I know that look anywhere Ezra Bridger, now tell us."

Liz and Ezra looked at each other, smirked, then looked back at them. "Master Bridger has chosen who he wants to go with."

Their stomachs turned. To the crew and Lexi it seemed way to fast to have already made a choice. They haven't even been with Ezra for a full day, he should at least waited a day or two to decide

"Well, who did you choose?" Lexi asked. She felt like throwing up.

"I chose both," Ezra replied. Lexi rose an eyebrow.

"Both? What do you mean both?" Sabine asked.

"I mean that I will be apart of both you guys and still be helping the Spectres." The crew had a baffled look.

"I don't think that's possible Ezra," Kanan said.

"It certainly is, on the days I have missions with the Spectres, I will stay on Lothal. And on the days there is no missions with the Spectres, I will go with you guys," Ezra shortly explained. The crew lightly nodded there heads in a agreeing type of way.

"But wait," Lexi commented. "Who are you going to stay with?"

Ezra went stiff. He hasn't thought of that yet. "I pretty sure I am going to stay on Lothal with the Spectres."

'Yes!' Lexi thought in excitement. The Ghost crew were a bit disappointed, but at least Ezra is still going to be on missions with them.

"So, is it settled?" Kanan questioned.

"I guess. Both us and the Spectres are going to be sharing Ezra almost everyday," Zeb said obscurely. Ezra nodded. Liz took the cloak Ezra was holding and the cup and put it on the metal table next to her.

"Well, for tonight and tomorrow Master Bridger will have to stay here and not go on a mission with you guys yet," Liz said.

"Why?" Zeb asked.

Liz cleared her throat and pointed, "His leg."

"Oh, right," Hera responded.

"Doesn't matter, I'll go get the parts needed first thing in the morning." Liz said, she headed to a set of stairs leading into a hallway of darkness. "For now, we should go get some rest."

Lexi also left the room and headed upstairs. She paused and turned to talk to the Ghost crew, "Sorry about earlier. The droid Chopper was chasing likes to get himself into trouble with other droids, it's part of his personality."

"It's fine, Chopper also likes to get himself into trouble, too," Hera accepted her apology.

"Wait, so the droid that Chopper was chasing, wasn't the droids we met on the Ghost ?" Sabine asked.

"Like I said before, do you really think I would only hack into two droids?" The Ghost crew shook their heads. "Exactly."

Lexi disappeared into the dark stairs. "Hera, you guys are welcomed to stay or you can go back to the Rebel Fleet and come back tomorrow."

"Uhh, we'll just stay in the Ghost until sunrise. We can come back later and discuss about how this will work out," Hera suggested.

"As you wish, you do know where the ship is right?"

Kanan nodded.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow morning."

The crew left the base and went to their ship. Ezra went upstairs and opened a gray door. Behind the gray door lies many beds with sleeping children in them.

"Ugh, I'm too late. It's already 23 at night. (11 p.m.) Well, might as well just tuck them in," Ezra whispered. He went one by one tucking in 12 children. Once he came to the last bed, this child jumped up and scared Ezra. He screamed a bit. The child just laughed.

"Don't do that Willow," Ezra whisper shouted, he put his hand over his heart. She just kept on laughing quietly. "You could have caused me to wake the other ones up!"

"Sorry Ezra," Willow chuckled. Ezra sat down on her bed. "It wouldn't really matter if you wake up the others, they would like to say good night to you."

"Sure they would, now what are you doing up?" Ezra said sarcasticly. Willow's grey eyes pierced into Ezra's eyes.

"I wanted to say good night to you. I haven't gone a night without you saying good night to me ever since I got here," Willow replied, in a sad kind of way.

"Sorry Willow, things got a bit out of hand today."

"So it's true, isn't it?"

"What is?" Ezra asked. Willow brought her knees to her chest.

"Your old team, the Ghost crew, is here." Ezra sensed her sadness. Ezra has been like a guardian to Willow ever since he met her, she couldn't imagine her life without him.

Willow's parents died from a disease when she was ten, Ezra found her on the streets of Capital City a few days later after her parents death. He took her in and raised her in a wierd sort of way. He has seen her grow so much in just two years.

"You don't have to worry about that Willow. I'll still be here for you guys, always," Ezra cooed. Willow smiled at him.

"Will you still be here?" Ezra hesitated for a slight moment.

"Not all the time, but I will spend most of my time here on Lothal than I will be with the Ghost crew," Ezra said.

"Okay, as long as you promise you will still visit us and say good night to us, I won't worry." Willow cheered happily.

"Promise. Now go to bed and get some rest."

"Yes Ezra." He tucked her in and left to the door.

"Night Ezra."

"Good night, Willow" Ezra closed the door.

~Yes, I know, I add to many characters, but like I said, they won't be mentioned as much. And also, I forgot to tell you that Princess Rena is a Mirialan.
-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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