Chapter 5 "What Happened?"

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3rd Perspective
After 4 hours of the Ghost crew being back, Ahsoka finally arrived from her mission to get supplies for the rebel fleet. Commander Sato was studying the list of supplies they got once again and was planning the next mission. Ahsoka walked in. Tired as she could ever be. Staying up for more than 24 hours is a lot for her. Especially when Ahsoka was running and crouching in order to hide from the Empire. She walked right front of Commander Sato, ready to say something.

"So, the mission to get the Ghost crew was successful I see." Ahsokas voice sounded tired. She needed to rest. Or at least get a drink of water.

"Yes, the inquisitors weren't on the planet making it easier. But, of course, that didn't stop the Empire from sending stormtroopers to make sure our mission was a failure."

"Even though the fleet lost a few men, it was worth it I guess."

"Yes, now we have some of our best fighters once again." Commander Satos tone sounded sad. He did feel sad. He didn't like losing men like that.

"Where are they now?" Ahsoka was eager to see them. No more missions on her own now.

"They are getting into their regular everyday clothes. They should be out here shortly," Commander Sato said. Even though the Ghost crew just came back, Commander Sato knew they had many missions ahead of them.

"Great, but-- still." Ahsoka replied. She whispered what she said. Ahsoka looked to the floor, crossed her arms and turned the other way. No longer facing the commander. She lifted her head a little.

"But what?" Commander Sato said.

Ahsokas Perspective
"How will they react when they find out Ezra is no longer on our side?"

I felt guilty. Not trying to get Ezra back on our side. We had more than 3 years to convince him that he was on the wrong side. To save him. I always imagined the day that we tell the Ghost crew about what happend to Ezra. I practiced the way I should tell them every single month that past. I just... Never actually thought the day would come, though.

"Why yes. It will indeed be hard to break the news to them but, it will be done, either way," Commander Sato said. He to sounded guilty.

I turned around and made eye contact with him. I gave a fake smile. So did he. A few minutes later the Ghost crew came in. Well almost all of them.

Kanans Perspective
The rebel fleet didn't seem to change at all. I stepped into the main room. With the rest of my crew behind me. I was glad to see them again. Especially Hera. I once again, fell in love with her beautiful face. I missed her. Even though I didn't remember why we were running for our lives in such a hurry.

The rest of us (the crew) had a small talk in med bay. We were all chatting and asking questions to each other on why we were in med bay anyways. And how we ended up here in the first place. So now, we are going to get real answers on what happened and also were my padawan is. I am really worried. He doesn't just disappear like that.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I saw Ahsoka and Commander Sato again. Commander Sato was a bit older now. His face has a bit of small wrinkles on his face, but his clothes is the same. Ahsoka also has the same old clothes. Her face is a bit older too, but she looked the same.

The crew and I walked up to the projector that was infront of us. Commander Sato and Ahsoka were on the other side of it.

3rd Perspective
"Hello Ahsoka and Commander Sato," said Hera. She looked concerned. And she was. She has so many questions and one of them was about Ezra.

"What just happend? I wake up on the floor of a-a- umm, cell and my crew is on the floor too looking lifeless." Hera was screaming. She is very angry. She wants answers and she wants them now!

"Hera please clam down." Ahsoka said in a calm voice. "We have your answers."

"And also where is Ezra?" Hera almost had tears in her eyes. But she was holding them back.

Everything stayed quiet. No one spoke. No one blinked. No one didn't even breath. Ahsoka and Commander Sato were to scared to answer Heras question. Afraid of how they will respond to their answer.

"Well." Zeb spoked up. He looked impatient for an answer. But still was real quiet.

"Can you guys just say something? Don't leave us hanging." Sabine said. Also, she was impatient.

"Ezra is... he's umm," Ahsoka was stumbling with her words.

"Don't worry Ahsoka." Kanan said in a soothing voice. He looked into Ahsokas eyes with his eyes with a scar across them. "We can handle the truth."

Ahsoka took a deep breath and started talking. "Ezra is working with the Empire."

The Ghost crew stayed silent. All astonished. Everyone wanted to speak, but they couldn't. They didn't know what to say anymore. All of their other questions demolished into debris by that one response.

"How? W-w-why?" Kanan whimpered. He was so confused on how that even happend. His own padawan turned against them!

"I am pretty sure the whole crew can agree on one question."

"And what question is that" asked Commander Sato.

"What happend?" Sabine was getting irritated with all the questions left unanswered.

"Commander. I will handle this."

"Oh, okay. As you wish Ahsoka." Commander Sato headed for the exit. He turned his head a little bit and walked out.

"Well?" Zeb said.

"You guys were frozen in carbonite for about four years. Except for one. Ezra."

"Why wouldn't the Empire do the same thing to Ezra?" Zeb asked.

"Because, the inquisitors decided they wanted someone who is strong, knows the secret base of the rebel fleet, and well, was young. It was either Sabine or Ezra. So, they chose Ezra because he was powerful in the force," Ahsoka looked down.

"But how did we end up in carbonite?" Hera was now getting a whole lot worried.

"Well, you guys went on a supply run on Coruscant. And well, you guys went into the building with the supplies and Ezra was arguing with you guys. Saying that it was a trap and that you guys should abort the mission. But, never did. You guys got into a fight and the stormtroopers attacked you guys when you were off guard."

"And, umm, we were taken to a cell where we got frozen in carbonite?" Kanan asked. To be honest, he didn't mean for it to be a question.

"Yes," replied Ahsoka. "You guys got frozen in carbonite and Ezra was the one to witness it all. I'm pretty sure it pained him deep inside, but it didn't seem he felt much sympathy for you guys after a few months."

"Wow. Made him see his own friends get frozen in person. Not cool," said Sabine.

"So where is Ezra now?" Kanan didn't care if Ezra was with the Empire. He just wants to see him.


This was longer than my rest so far.

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