Chapter 4 "Med Bay"

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Sabines Prospective
I opened my eyes ever so slowly. My body ached alot, as if pounds of metal fell ontop of me. As I open my eyes I am blinded by this bright light hovering over me. Then I realise it is on the ceiling, duh! I look around to see that I am in a medium sized room that seems to be a light gray color, but I am not alone. I see my friends on the left side of me. They seem to be sleeping, peacefully. I sit up. The white blanket covering me goes down a little bit stopping at my waist. Next thing I notice is that my armor is replaced with white clothes. It's soft when I first touch it. And it stays soft. It has small little dots on it that I could hardly see them. I also have something attached to my finger. The thing on my finger has a tube attached to it, too. I follow it and it leads me to a small screen with what seems to be showing someones heart beat. There's 3 more. It is showing a steady heart beat for all 3.

I look around the room some more and see a medical droid with his back turned to me checking what seems to be medical data. Oh, so i'm in med bay. Wait, why? My thought is cut off when the droid turns around and faces me.

"Ah, your awake. Good," says the droid in a robotic way. Makes sense since he is a droid.

"Where am I?" My voice cracks a bit at the end. My throat is is so sore.

"Why, your in med bay. You will be here for a few more hours. No need to worry child."

So I was right, I am in med bay. Hold on, child? I'm a teenager. Ugh, doesn't matter, what am I even doing here. I have never gone to med bay, especially the whole crew. How did I, I mean we end up here in the first place anyway? I have so many questions to ask. Until the droid speaked up.

"You should rest for a little while it is pretty early. Even though we are in space."

"I'm not tired." I replied with a harsh tone.

"Well then. You can take this pill." he came up to me and put his hand out to me. There was one pill in the medical droids cold metal hand.


"It is your medicine child," he responded. I made him a face. I hated the fact that he called me child again. So, I just took the pill from him so he can shut up. He then got some water from a near by table and handed it to me, too.

"Here," he says handing me the glass of water.

"Thanks," I said. I put the pill in my mouth and swallow it with a gulp of water. I look at the water that still remained in the glass cup. I'm surprised there's any left. I took a big gulp of water because of my sore throat. The water is almost crystal clear. It looks like the fresh water from Lothal's largest river that heads to the ocean. Making the once fresh river water to salty ocean water.

My eyes lids start to get heavy. This water reminds me of someone that I didn't see yet. I start to yawn. The pill must me a sleeping pill. I look to my left again and see Kanan, Zeb, Hera, and Chopper. Chopper is turned off and sitting for the first time ever quietly at the corner of the room.

I lay down ontop of the puffy pillow. I grab the the warm blanket and turn my body to face the right. I close my eyes and start to drift away with my thoughts. The only person I didn't see from the crew was Ezra.

First off, I know this part isn't needed, but I just wanted to do a small prospective of Sabine showing where the Ghost crew is.

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