Chapter 29 "Decision"

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Ezra's Perspective
I parked the speeder in the storage area. It was night time already and the Ghost crew was still here, I could sense them. I sat there for a moment. Once I enter the base, I will be forced to pick who to go with. Of course I want to be with both my teams, but I can't.

And even if I go with the Ghost crew, Liz will want to be with me, along with Lexi. I can't leave them alone, I promised them I won't leave them. I'll be betraying them, sadly I'll be doing the same thing to the Ghost crew. Either way, one of my teams with be disappointed, and I don't want that. Yet, if there's something I learned over the years is that I can't make everyone happy, but I try make both my teams happy. No, not try, I can.

3rd Perspective
Ezra unsteadily entered the base. Nobody was around.

"The Spectres must have gone to rest for the night," Ezra mumbled. He looked around the base, the Ghost crew, Liz, and Lexi were still here. He reached the kitchen and found Liz. She seemed she was preparing some food. Ezra left the room thinking Liz did not notice he was there, but she did.

Ezra left Kingston jumping on top of the roofs buildings using his Force-jump. Once he left Kingston, he arrived to the top of a near by hill. He sat down on the grass, he felt a cold breeze hit his body. Ezra wants to go back to the base, but he isn't ready to make the decision yet. He felt the most scared today then he has ever felt, it been years since Ezra experienced real fear. He knew how to control it, he uses it as power. He's been doing so since he joined the Empire. Lost in his thoughts, Ezra sense someone approaching him. Ezra slowly moved his head to the left, he saw Liz.

She was already in her sleepwear. She had a dark blue shirt, brown pants, and her everyday white boots over her pants. She brought along a black cloak and she was wearing a black cloak herself, too. They usually wear those cloaks when they go out during night so they won't be easily seen. Liz sat beside him. She also brought a beverage of some sort Ezra couldn't make out.

"What wrong Master? There's a conflict going on in your mind," Liz asked after a minute of silence. Ezra didn't respond, but he had to because Liz wouldn't talk to him without an answer. She handed him the cup.

"There is a conflict going on."

"Let me guess, it's about us and the Ghost crew, huh?" Ezra shivered once more. Liz grabbed the extra cloak and put over Ezra's back.

"Yes and thank you," Ezra mumbled.

"No problem," Liz smiled. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I'll have to choose between you guys and the Spectres or the Ghost crew and the Rebel Fleet. But, I don't want to choose."

Liz gave him a pity look, "Well, you're going to have to choose sooner or later, Master."

They stared off into the distance. The lights of Kingston were twinkling. Shuttles going in and out, clubs opened for the adults. Kingston is now the city people dreamed to visit, the city where were the Empire backed off a long time ago. People from different planets come to see Lothal's cities and towns, to see what beautiful sights Lothal holds. Ezra took a sip of the drink, it was warm blue milk. One of Ezra's favorite to drink at night.

"The thing is, is that I am going to leave one of the teams and I don't know if I will have enough time to see the team I didn't pick. It's so hard to choose, I don't want to leave neither of you guys," Ezra stressed out. Liz knew the feeling, she's pretty sure many people knew the feeling. Everyone goes through it many times throughout their lives, there's no way to escape it, no matter how hard you try.

"If only there was a way to make both us and the Ghost crew happy at the same time. It seems unlikely," Liz put her hand on his shoulder.

'Maybe there is a way of doing so,' Ezra thought to himself.

"I have choosen who I want to go with." Liz's stomach formed into a knot. She wasn't ready to hear his decision.

"Alright, no matter what you choose, I will be by your side," Liz forced a smiled.

"I'm going with the Ghost crew-"

Liz's smile almost turned into a frown. Upset that he chose his old crew over the Spectres.

'Makes the most sense,' Liz thought. 'The Ghost crew was his first team after all. His first real family.'

Ezra saw that Liz's smile went to a frown. He wasn't finished with his answer, she shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.

"I choose both the Ghost crew and the Spectres," Ezra finished. Liz's eyes darted out confusion all over the place. How can he choose both teams without leaving the other one?

"How is that even possible Master?"

"I can change teams every once in a while." Liz was still confused. Ezra rolled his eyes.

"I mean since the Spectres only take on small missions they don't happen everyday," Ezra took a sip from the blue milk and continued. "And in the days the Spectres don't have missions and Kingston and the rest of Lothal is at peace, which is everyday now, I can leave with the Ghost crew and go on their missions."

Liz's smile came back. Ezra was doing what Princess Rena told him to do, use his brain and his heart, he's going to be with both teams that he deeply cares about and is planning out when he is going to be with which team.

"Well done Master, you have made a brilliant choice," Liz stood up and stretched out her arm. "Shall we go tell the others about your decision?"

Ezra looked at her sly smirk. He grabbed on her hand and stood up.

"It will be my pleasure to tell the others."

"Oh and don't forget about the kids, you didn't say good night to them after all," Liz reminded him about the orphans. A lot of the orphaned kids live in the base, many of them were left to be that way because of the Empire taking away the kids parents.

"No worries, I will never forget to say good night to them."

And with those final words, they walked to Kingston in silence and happiness.

~ starloverrebel, you commented this idea in the last chapter and I actually planned this to happen before I even started writing this fan-fiction in the very beginning. You read my mind😨. I swear to you I'm not lying. -ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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