Chapter 27 "Reuniting 2"

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3rd Perspective
"Seems like you've been taking care of yourself and others," Kanan said. He looked at Liz and Lexi with a small smile.

Ezra looked at Liz and Lexi, smiled, then looked back at Kanan. "I have been, thanks for noticing." The crew enjoyed that Kanan and Ezra were having an almost normal talk.

"I've heard of what Liz and Lexi say about you. Both of them look up to you, all of the Spectres look up to you. You are a great roll model for them, I couldn't be any happier."

Kanan put his hand out, he wanted Ezra to shake it. Ezra just looked as his hand. Ezra thought on how many times Kanan as been there for him. How he has always been there for him after they found him on Lothal. When he found out the truth about his parents, how he taught him the ways of the Force, how Kanan told the Dark Side was the wrong path. He frowned a bit.

He didn't listen to Kanan's advice, he fell for the Dark Side only a few weeks after he and the rest were frozen in carbonite, but thanks to Kanan's guidance and the Ghost crews knowledge, he made it out of the Empire alive. He's the reason why he is able to teach Liz the ways of the Force, too. The reason why he has a padawan. Ezra looked at Kanan, his face was just begging for him to shake his hand. Instead he ignored it, he walked up to Kanan and hugged him.

Kanan thought he was dreaming. Ezra was hugging him. He only does that when he's sad, but he was hugging him, he was actually hugging him. Hera looked at him, giving him that 'hug him back,' look. So, he did.

"Thanks for being there for me... Master," Ezra whispered. Kanan was once again surprised when Ezra called him Master.

"Your welcome, my Padawan." Their hug ended. Kanan cleared his throat.

"May I, uhh, may I-" Kanan struggled to get his words out.

"May I try out one of your lightsabers?" Kanan finally said. Ezra shook his head playfully and handed Kanan his lightsaber. Kanan activated his saber. It was the purple one.

Kanan swung all around. Seeing how the purple light illuminated the room. Kanan knew at a purple lightsaber user is more aggressive in his fighting style, it's perfect for Ezra. He is able to use both Light and Dark Side of the Force freely and that he likes overpowering his opponent. (True fact)

Yet, Kanan didn't really understand what a white lightsaber stood for. Ezra put his hand on Kanan's shoulder.

"Slow down there Kanan, you're going to hurt someone," Ezra said. Taking the lightsaber away from Kanan. "I shouldn't have trusted you with this. It is a dangerous weapon and must be used wisely."

Ezra teased Kanan, one of his favorite things to do. Kanan just crossed his arms. They both laughed.

"So," Hera started. "You created all of this?"

"Yes, but without the help of the Spectres, this wouldn't be a reality."

"It took us more than a year to establish a base and you found one right after you escape the Empire. How is that possible?" Hera complained.

"It's called skill, Hera. But don't think it was easy to build this nor find it. The Empire is still watching Lothal," Ezra replied.

"Well, didn't Liz say they backed off?" Sabine asked.

"Yes, but from time to time they do patrols." The Ghost crew completely forgot about the patrol part.

"It's couldn't be that hard, could it? All of Lothal is literally against the Empire. They wouldn't have told on you guys."

"Just because their against the Empire, doesn't mean they trust me. I had to prove to them that the Spectres were no threat to them, that they were here to protect them. Pretty hard when the face of the Spectres once worked with the Empire," Ezra frowned.

"They trust you now right?" Kanan asked.

"Yes, yes they do. Thanks to the fill in princess, word spread through Lothal about the Spectres," Ezra's warm smile was back on his face. A bright red spark came out of Ezra's right leg.

"What was that?" Liz asked. The crew was asking the same thing.

"Uhh, it was nothing," Ezra panicked. Lexi knelt down at his leg and looked at his black armor. But, it wasn't armor at all, it was the opening to Ezra's mechanical leg wiring. Lexi opened the armor and her eyes jolted open.

"They clearly did hurt you Bridger," Lexi was mad at Ezra. The best way to tell is when she calls him Bridger instead of Ezra. The Ghost crew covered their mouths.

'When did he get a mechanical leg?' they thought.

"So what if my leg is damaged?" Ezra shrugged.

"It's a big if Master!" Liz rubbed her forehead in dispair.

"A stunt like that can damage your leg more and can shut off at any moment," Lexi exclaimed. Ezra just shrugged off her comment. "Just image during your battle with the inquistor. Your leg could have turned off, and poof! Your dead!"

Ezra rolled his eyes. Lexi was exaggerating it. Yet, Lexi has been studying technology since she accidentally began reading a data pad about technology, instead of a data pad that teached the alphabet. But, she could barley speak at the time.

"Your legs mechanical parts aren't cheap you know," Liz stressed out.

"Your parts will cost about..." Lexi counted her her head.

"Ezra," a Spectre interjected.

"Yes?" Ezra faced him.

"The princess wishes to speak to you."

"Isn't she on Naboo right now? Taking care of business?" Lexi butted in.

"She came early. She says she had to talk to Ezra," the Spectre walked away. Ezra faced his old crew.

"Seems like I'm needed somewhere else. Liz and Lexi, make sure they don't get into trouble." Ezra pointed at the Ghost crew. He walked away with a smirk.

"Ha, ha! Very funny," Sabine mocked, but Ezra didn't hear her.

"He actually works with the princess?" Zeb asked surprised.

"We weren't lying. She doesn't have much information, but just like Master Bridger says, 'Every bit of information can result into something big.'

"What now?" Zeb asked.

"We either wait here standing like idiots or we can show you around the base," Lexi said.

~There, I put in the hug you guys desperately wanted. And yes, Ezra has a mechanical leg. Bye!
-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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