May 27

40 3 1

I sit here tonight in the hospital. Not for me but for Kate. She was running late to come hang out and she has a glass door and accidentally put her hand through the class and cut her hand. It's so deep she might have cut tendons. I am so scared. I have never been the person to sit in the waiting room. I was looking through my backpack and in the bottom is my journal. So I decided to write in it. It was a nice surprise. I had found pictures I had put in there from a couple months ago. Carson and I talk a lot and he is really awesome. Sad part though is Lucas and I no longer work together. The lady moved the business to the other side of town and I can no longer work for her. It's okay though.
I got asked to Prom. I was so excited. Carson asked me. Here is how it went down. I was getting ready to leave and go home. I make my way out to my car and look for my keys. Cant find them. There is a note on my door.
I have your keys meet me in the gym.
So I start walking back to the gym and Taylor is there with her phone out filming. I ask what is going on and she won't answer me. We keep walking to the gym and then I see basketball guys, with roses. They Each hand me the one they have. I keep walking and I start to get it. Inside the gym is Carson in the middle of the floor with a sign that says
Spence it would be a slam dunk to go to prom with you!
I of course said yes. We went to prom last weekend and had a blast. Afterwards we hung out and got pie at this 24 hour diner. This old couple that was there kept looking at us. When we asked for the check, the waitress said the couple over there paid for it. It was the old couple. We got up to thank them and they said it was their anniversary and they said they recognized the look Carson and I gave Each other because 30 years ago they gave the same looks to each other. We all smiled and laughed and we took a picture with them. Carson and I weren't ready for the night to end so we went for a drive. I dozed off for like five minutes and I woke up to a blanket around me and Carson heartbeat as my lullaby. I woke up and looked up at him and smiled. We decided to head home. When I got home, Kathy was asleep on the couch and around the table was letters from my mom. I looked at Kathy and as quietly as I could grabbed them and went to my room. I put on sweats and sat there read the letters. My mom is telling her all about Europe and occasionally asks about me. I can't read anymore so I sneak back to the room and place them on the table. My phone buzzes. It is Carson.
Had a blast with you tonight! Will you please come outside.
I walk outside to Carson standing there and he says I got home and was bored so I came over here to see what you were doing. We sat in my lawn for awhile. Finally at like 1 am I went inside. the following Monday he asked me to be his girlfriend. We haven't told anyone. That's what I was going to tell Kate before she put her hand through the window. A nurse I had multiple times makes eye contact with me and asks me what happened. I said I am here for a friend. She is super thankful! She asks when I am coming back for testing. I said I haven't scheduled it. She gives me this look and has to go. I decide to walk to the cancer wing to see if I can schedule my appointment.
I see this girl on a bed being wheeled for immediate surgery and behind her is her parents crying and chasing the bed. I felt like a fly on the wall. I get to the cancer wing and no one is there. I make my way back and I pass the parents sitting in the hall crying. I walk by, but then I stop and tell them not to lose hope and walk away. I get back to the emergency wing and I get to see Kate. She is okay and the worst thing is she might lose so feeling in one of her fingers. So many good things. I know that there will be a high to this low.

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