Laugh, I Nearly Died (Part Two)

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"No. Never said a word. She didn’t like to talk about it. Same as when she would disappear late at night and I’d ask her about it." Emma said. She was scooting closer and closer to Sam inconspicuously. And the closer she got the farther Sam scooted over. Half his butt cheek was hanging off by now I figured.

"She must not have wanted you to have this life." I said trying hard to stay serious. "I have to tell you, once you know about these things." I shook my head. "Well, life ain’t a joy ride."

"But you will let me help on this hunt, right?" She asked ignoring me.

I looked at Sam who was shaking his head vigorously and then at Dean who gave me the ‘don’t even think about it’ look.

"Of course. We’ll teach you everything we know."

Emma’s eyes lit up. "Cool, so when do we start?"

Both of my brother gave me their own versions of the ‘we’re gonna talk about this later’ look.

"Well, first we have to do research. Find out who the spirit is. Though I’m thinking it’s this Sylvester Ellis dude since the entrance was right below his grave. Then once we’re certain we go dig him up and salt and burn his bones."

Emma was looking at me like I was crazy, but she finally shrugged. "All right."

Dean’s eyes widened. "All right. You find out that there are ghosts, demons, and monsters and all you say is ‘all right’." Dean looked away and muttered. "Well there is definitely something wrong with you."

I elbowed him in the ribs earning a satisfying grunt. Emma stared. "Yeah, I mean, it’s not that hard to believe. I watch ghost movies all the time. Zombie movies." She shrugged. "The works."

"Yeah, well before you get to go all kamikaze on us you’ve got to understand something." Dean said seriously. "All those things you watch on TV, or read about, they aren’t worth a crap once you get to this world. It’s taken a life time for us to figure everything out and we still don’t know half of it."

* * * * *

"What are you researching again?" Emma asked me as I flipped through the county records.

"Anyone who’s lived in the past hundred years named Sylvester Ellis. The entrance to that room was right below his grave." I repeated, monotone, for the thousandth time.

"Ok." Emma flipped through Dad’s journal taking in all the information in his small cramped handwriting. "So vampires aren’t scared of garlic?"

"Nope." Dean said for the thousandth time in answer to her questions. He slammed the book shut he was trying to read.

I sighed. We had been following this same routine for almost two hours. The only thing we had accomplished was making Sam uncomfortable by once again being so close to Emma, making Dean huffy from doing so much research, and I was feeling the beginnings of a major migraine.

"All right. Here it is. Sylvester Ellis. Born 1935, he grew up on Hilmont street."

"When did he die?" I ask leaning over to read the screen.

"Uh, ten years ago."

"Right when those killings started." Dean said nodding

"Right." Sam continued scrolling. His brows drew together in puzzlement. "Hey, listen to this. When he was twenty his father was murdered by his older sister, then two years later she broke out of prison and murdered their mother. Then she killed herself." Sam looked back up. "Sounds more like it’s the sister than the brother."

I nodded. "What was her name?"

Sam scrolled down the screen. "Uh, Samantha Ellis."

I leaned back in my chair. "Well, I guess we have a job to do tonight."

The Winchester Girl (Supernatural Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon