Empty heart

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Jeff's point of view
She disappeared, no trace of her. No. No. NO!

I lunged after Rake, viciously stabbing and ripping apart his body; my stomach twisted, my blood boiled through my veins, fueling my bloodlust.

"You bring her back! She's mine!" I growled at him, "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!"

He let out a chilling laugh "Zalgo has her, you'll never find her again."

She can't be gone. I refuse to believe that Jane is gone. After all these years, she can't be gone.

I felt the heavy beating in my chest; a feeling I haven't felt in nearly 7 years. Why do I care that Jane is gone? I certainly don't care about her all that much; but I will not let someone else kill my victims. If anyone gets to hurt Jane, it has to be me.

I glanced down at Rake's mangled and bloodied body in disgust "I should kill you; but then I'd lose my leverage in getting Jane back." A sinister smile glued itself onto my face and I landed one more blow to Rake's body, knocking him out cold.

I'll get Jane back; and you will pay for taking her away from me.

Jane's point of view

I stretched my arms and legs, letting out an enormous yawn, I rolled over into my stomach, opening my eyes to a squint. My mind was still hazy but there is no way I'm in my room; there is no way I am home.

My body shot up out of bed, nearly stumbling into my vanity. My vanity. I stood still; touching the skin on my face, and running my fingers through my blonde hair. I'm dreaming.

My knees nearly went weak, I ran down the stairs and turned the corner. Mom. Dad. They sat at the table, reading the newspaper and sipping coffee. Tears brimmed my eyes. I'm dreaming.

Mom looked up at me, tilting her head to the side, "honey, are you okay?" She asked me, her big doe-like eyes staring me down.

"Yeah, I think, I mean I guess I feel a little sick" that was a lie, I felt a whole lot of sick. Home sick. I'm dreaming, I have to be. They were viciously murdered by Jeff.

Jeff. That name certainly made me sick. If I ever see that bastard again; I'll kill him for what he did.

I tried my best to remember the last thing that happened. I heard a familiarly sinister voice and then everything went dark, I remember Jeff and that creature dueling it out. I hope they both killed each other. I never wanted to see Jeff again and I most certainly hoped I'd never see that hideous creature. But who brought me here?

My mom walked over to me, full on nurse mode, feeling my face and sticking a thermometer in my mouth.

I sat there, silently taking everything in. It felt foreign, but I enjoyed it. I missed it. I never wanted my mom to stop babying me.

So lost in my own head, I nearly didn't notice that I had wrapped myself in her embrace.

"Jane?" Her voice hummed and I could feel the vibrations of her voice through her chest.

She broke away, looking down at me.

"Are you okay" confusion tattoos itself all over her face, and to be fair, I felt the same way. I don't understand why this feels real. It's a dream isn't it?

"I feel like it's been almost a decade since I've hugged you" and I just looked at her with the same emptiness I felt the night Jeff took my family away from me.

She laughed, gently pulling me back into a hug "you hugged me before you went to sleep, but I'm not complaining"

And I wasn't complaining either. Nothing but peace washed over me.

"Do you understand my power now?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, shaking my head.
"No, No, No, NO!!"
My arms tightened around my mother
"God, please.."

"I can make this all your reality again, Jane" I felt fingers curl around my shoulder.

My eyes still squeezed shut, not wanting to see a hideous demon replace my mothers spot.

"Your mom, your dad, your beauty" the ominous voice whispered into my ear

"This all could be your life again, Jane"

My eyes shot open "but all I have to do is kill Jeff, right? That's what I set out to do in the past, and look how many years I've wasted! You Zalgo, do nothing but alter my senses so that I think this is my old life. You can't bring back the people Jeff killed. Not even my parents.."

My room melted away, my mother vanished, and my face went back to how it originally was. Hideous. 

He stood there in utter silence. Disguised as my lover. 

"you can't do it, you know" I paused "not without bringing the world to it's knees." 

"My love"  his laugh let out a low growl, and it sent chills up my spine. 

"I've always intended on bringing the world to it's end; and I know exactly how I'm going to destroy Jeffery and his leader, Slenderman. I'll destroy them all."

I felt my heart sink hearing Jeff's name. Bastard

I swallowed "and how do you plan to do exactly that?" 

As I blinked, Zalgo disappeared; but then I felt his body press against my back.

His hand gently wrapped around my neck, tilting my head to the side. 

"with you, Jane-" his warm breath hitting my neck made my blood run cold "my beautiful Jane, We will destroy this world and the people who hurt us; and then I will rebuild it all for you." 

His lips pressed into my neck, slightly grazing his teeth against my skin. It made my heart pound in my chest. I don't want to like this, but ever since the moment Zalgo and I paired up, I've been in love with him; or this disguise that he uses to hide his true form. 

He slipped a poisoned dagger into my hand "when we meet again Jane, you will be my Queen, but until then, you will be Jeff's. Don't make me too jealous."  

I finally figured out how I'd kill Jeff, and all I have to do is make his fall in love with me

The room slipped into darkness and before I knew it, so did my consciousness. 


HI I KNOW I SUCK AND IT'S BEEN YEARS SINCE IVE UPDATED THIS HORRIFYING NOVEL, but I literally have no idea where to go with this story, but I'm going to try with the best of my capabilities to figure out how to finish this, that way you guys aren't being strung along like a bunch of heart broken puppies. ALSO I've been binging anime/manga and game of thrones (I finished it last night and I'm not as disappointed as I expected to be.) so that's also why I suck at updating :/: 

SoOOo i decided to throw a little love triangle in there to keep it spicy and interesting  for you guys uwu  ((hopefully you guys like it)).

Which side are you on? Zalgo or Jeff? 

ps. I'm working on the next chapter as you read this. I promise. 

Dear Killer; I'll Teach You Too Care (Jeff x Jane The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now