Chapter 22-Stress Out

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The next morning I have stupid work.

"Morning honey."


"How did you sleep."

"Eh ok."

"Well that's good."



"You are a retard."

"Oh thanks."

"Your welcome." He gave me breakfast and I was off. I got to work and the other employees are there. They looked at me liked I killed someone.


"What's up with you."


"Well geez you don't have to yell."

"WELL I CAN SO LEAVE ME ALONE FOR THE REST OF THE DAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU." I kept texting Zack to keep me company. Then one of the employees came over and just sat he didn't say anything at all.

"Uh you okay?"

"No I'm not I kept getting picked on."

"Great are we starting drama now."



"So how was your day gone so far?"

"Retarded. Yours?

"Same whatever that means."

'It means stupid."

"Oh cool." We kept talking until the end of the day.

"Hey how was your day?"

"It was actually good."

"Well that's good."

"Yup." He made dinner and we watched movies  then went to bed.

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