24.Another Plan In The Plan

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"But how does it help?" Ally said. "How does it help heal both of them? Kira what's going on?"

Kira looked down in guilt. But I knew. She had a story behind it all. She did. I turned Kira to face me. "Is there something wrong?"

We stood there waiting for her to say something. Finally, she looked up and smiled a bit. "If I tell you guys, will you help me?"

We all looked at each other and agreed. Kira nodded.

"Do you guys remembered when you asked me if I was in love with someone?" Kira asked.

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong?" Allison said.

"Well, that person is Isaac." Kira spilled. "Wait, Isaac?" I asked and she nodded.

"Look, I can explain more details later at lunch, okay?" Kira said. We all nodded. Wow, Kira likes Isaac. But he doesn't notice that. No wonder Kira is down in love.

The bell rang and we started running to class.

At lunch

We started sitting down on our usual table outside. We ate right away. Kira looked nervous.

Finally, Scott had the courage to break the silence. "So, Kira. Are you going to tell us about this little crush on Isaac?" We all looked to her.

"Uh, let's wait a bit." Kira answered. We all groaned. "Kira, you know Isaac sits with us. He would be here any minute. Maybe even a second." I said.

Kira drank her juice and threw away her lunch. "Okay, I have been planning this. Stiles and I thing. I did it in order to make Isaac jealous. But nothing."

"Can I say something quick?" Allison asked and Kira nodded. "Don't do that. It won't help balance your relationship with you and Isaac and Stiles and Lydia's relationship. Just do it your own."

"But how am I supposed to help their relationship?" Kira asked. "Easy. We'll come up with a new one and you'll help. No biggie." I said.

"Fine. Now what are we gonna do with me and Stiles are a couple thing?"

"Wait. You and Stiles are couple?" A voice said. Isaac.

"Oh great..." Scott murmured and Allison crossed her arms on the table and put her head down.

"Yes!" I said. "We are!"

And you can stop pretending that you didn't know about it.

"Huh," Isaac said. "Expect the unexpected..."

Yeah okay. Isaac sat down, "So, when did this relationship started?"


"Wow. And I would've said that you were cheating on Lydia. But I guess you guys weren't a couple." He said. Holy. Shit.


I started to stand up. I was so tired of doing everything he can to get Lydia. Isaac stood up also.

"What did you say?" I screamed at him. The others started to sand up. "Stiles, Isaac. Just sit down." Scott said. I ignored him. I don't care. This guy is just messed up. I leaned over and punched him as hard as I could.

Isaac collapsed, hitting Allison who yelped. I went around and picked him up and started punching him more. As soon as he got up, he started punching me back.

While he was punching me, I heard my name. Everywhere.



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