“Wow, Indie! You sure are in a good mood!” Honey chirped flipping his bunny in the air. “I like this side to you!”

                Mori nodded and the twins sighed.

                “Are we invited too? Or is it just a threesome?” They asked.

                “I didn’t think you’d be interested, but sure! The more the merrier!”

                “I love seeing my children getting along so well.” Tamaki commented zipping past us. I followed him with my eyes. He was all over a girl, making her turn the color of a rather ripe tomato. I looked for Haruhi. I wondered how she liked seeing her boyfriend all over other girls. But she seemed immune. Chatting on the couch with a bunch of girls. I shook my head.

                “Point me in the direction of a kitchen?” I asked.

                “Kitchen?” They all exchanged confused looks. I slapped my palm to my head.

                “You guys have absolutely no idea how to cook or work a kitchen, do you?”

                “Nope!” Honey hummed climbing up Mori’s side. “But I’ve always wanted to learn how commoners prepare their own food!”

                “Us too!” The twins chimed. I let out a frustrated sigh.

 Spoiled rich kids.

                “Follow me, then. There has to be some kind of kitchen around here. But-“ I froze. My gaze danced along the crowd until they met Kyoya, Haruhi, and finally Tamaki. They have all been so kind to me, was it fair if I just ditched?

                “Something wrong?” Honey asked.

                “She’s lost in thought.” The twins said. I fixed my pathetic excuse for a dress and soothed back my hair.

                “Should we just ditch?” I asked aloud.

                “What do you mean?” Honey asked. I gestured around the room.

                “It’s kind of a full house. It doesn’t seem right to just leave.”

                “Nonsense, the boss won’t care.” Hikaru said waving his hand.

                “The day’s almost over anyways.” Kaoru reasoned.

                “Yeah, plus you have my mind set on cheesecake!” Honey giggled. “It wouldn’t be fair to go back on that promise now.”

                “If you say so.” I sighed. I arched my back to stare at Mori. “You haven’t said a word; I’d like to know if you think this is a good idea, please?” The words came out harsher and more demanding than I thought. I lowered my head not wanting to see his expression.

                “I think,” I snapped my head back up, “that maybe it’s not the best idea.”

                “Takashi?” Honey gasped. Mori shot him a pleading look as I tossed the options over in my head. Maybe if I asked…

                “What’s going on over here? Shouldn’t you be working?” I recognized Kyoya’s voice almost immediately. I smiled.

                “Just the man I was looking for.” I chirped. “We’re all craving cheesecake and were wondering if it was at all possible for us to go and make some. The problem is, it would take the remainder of the day to do this, meaning we’d miss out on, erm, Peter Pan cosplay.”

                “I see.” He fixed his glasses into place and sighed. “That is problematic, isn’t it?”

                “Feel free to say no, it was just an idea.”

                “No! I want cheesecake.” Honey whined. Kyoya ignored him.

                “I’ll tell you what, you spend the next twenty minutes entertaining our guests and I’ll let you leave early to make some cheesecake at the Hitachiin house.”

                “Why does it have to be our house?” They asked.

                “That’s my deal. Take it or leave it.”

                “Take it! Take it!” Honey chanted. Mori was frozen into place. I found myself slipping closer to his side. It was easy disappearing into him.


I sighed.

                “We take the deal.” I murmured. Kyoya smirked. There was more to this deal than he was leading on, but before I could catch him, he vanished into the crowd. I huffed, flopping into a seat next to Honey.

Twenty minutes?

I could do that.

The Truth About the Girl With the Broken Smile [Ouran Host Club] (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now