coping skill

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Okay, so from many different therapists and counselors, I always hear the same coping skill over and over.

But first.

What's a coping skill?

According to Google, Coping strategies refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events.

Basically, just ways to manage stress, anger, anxiety, etc.

So what is this magical "coping skill" that everyone wants me to try?

Get ready for it....


Ah, yes, I'll breathe my problems away (my first initial reaction). That's not how it works (counselor's reaction).

Sometimes in the middle of frustrations and nervous breakdowns, or whatever it may be, we sort of forget to breathe, therefore limiting the oxygen in our brains, which in turn, makes it harder to think of a solution to the problem. Or something like that, I sort of blackout in the middle of lectures. xD

And lately, I've been finding that when I'm most anxious or whatever, just taking a moment to BREATHE helps so much!

Or sometimes, when I'm really  frustrated.. I count to ten and breathe in between numbers. Just taking the time to step outside a chaotic environment, to relax your body and breathe makes all the difference.

I guess that's why whenever someone is going through something super stressful, people tend to say "hey, calm down. Take a breath."

Maybe it's time to take their advice :p

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