Cheesy Jokes to Make You Smile :)

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WARNING: Some hilariously bad, cheesy jokes ahead xD

"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus smile? Ten-tickles"

"What does a nosy pepper do? Get jalapeño business."

"I know it's cheesy but I feel grate"

"What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta"

"I would make a chemistry joke but all the good ones Argon"

"How do horses greet others? Hayyyy!"

"Why was the Kleenex dancing? It had a boogie.."

"What did the fruit say to the other fruit? We make a good pear"

"Are you a beaver? Because dammmmmm" ;)

"Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo'drizzle"

"Why was five afraid of six? Because seven eight nine"

"What did Jay-Z call Beyoncé before getting married? Feyonce."

"Need an ark? I Noah guy"

"What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out  a little wine."

"Why are ghosts such bad liars? Because they're so transparent."

"Two antennas got married: the service was okay but the reception was great!"

"Can February March? No but April May."

"You're living, you occupy space, and you have mass. What does that mean? You matter."

"What did Ariel's dad say when Ariel didn't want fins? You were mermade for this."

"Why is Peter Pan always flying? He neverlands."

I love that last one because it never grows old^^^ xD xD xD

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