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Its so terrible when a guy gives a girl hopes only to crush them to the ground.. Or vice versa.

Its sad to go through a time of thinking we're ugly and worthless, when in reality its not the case.

I have a friend.

She is so beautiful and outgoing and talented and ... I'm so jealous of her.

I'm shy, an introvert, and guys don't find me attractive.

Her personality is amazing, and while I know mine is pretty great too, it takes people a while to see the 'real' me because I'm shy.

I think we all have a friend like this, and while we enjoy their company, you can't help but think about your insecurities.

Right now she feels like poop, and I'm literally really mad because she can't see how amazing she is.

Just like most of you can't see how amazing you really are.

If you think you're fat, well guess what?! You aren't and everyone's definition of fat is different. Eat your cake like a boss and eat whoever tries to stop you.

If you think you're ugly.. Imagine you are going through a flower garden. Do you look at every flower and think about how they would be prettier if only they had better pedals, or prettier colors, or longer stems? You don't, because nature is perfect as it is. Its the same with people. You are a perfect flower just as you are, and sometimes you have to be content with what you got.

I know it's really hard to love yourself, but sometimes its worth giving it a shot. You are naturally beautiful as you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Just a random thought...

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