What even are chapter titles

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So I colored that Bill Cipher for you iiMeeples. Hope you like it fren.

I spent way too much time on it and my black color pencil no longer exists

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I spent way too much time on it and my black color pencil no longer exists. It's meh but I'm too lazy to fix it.

So I'm just gonna tell you guys I'm humanizing the planets cause I mean it's easier that way

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So I'm just gonna tell you guys I'm humanizing the planets cause I mean it's easier that way. That gray one two chapters ago was Mercury and this is Venus. Also, I think Mercury is gonna be a guy. Cause guys who wear dresses are my aesthetic. And I just want less female characters.

I honestly thing Venus looks super adorable.

Here's some info on her.


-v bright

-twinning with Earth

-cloudy mind

-hot headed



-always opposite

-v pressured



Yea okay. Anyways getting my hair cut on Friday. I'll post lots of pictures.

Oh and I might be opening up art trades? Sketch trades? Same thing. Just have to finish prizes first!

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